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What Makes A Great Leader?

What Is Leadership? One of my favorite authors and speakers on leadership is John Maxwell.  John says “The True Measure of Leadership is Influence– Nothing More, Nothing Less”.  He also says “He who thinks he leads, but has no followers, is only taking a walk”.

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Are You Giving and Loving Unconditionally?

Why Is Everyone Giving Unconditionally On The Internet? Have you wondered why everyone is giving and loving so freely on the Internet and on social media?  Just a little over two years ago, this was the question that went through my mind.  I didn’t understand what Facebook and all of the social media platforms were […]

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Great Leaders Use Power Versus Force

Power versus Force? Do you notice a huge shift in the way people are choosing to buy goods and services?  Have you noticed it is now in the consumer’s hands, and they want to “buy” from people and companies they like and trust.  This is a huge shift from the television commercials and the big […]

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Is Social Media Marketing, Internet Marketing and Network Marketing Confusing?

Social Media Marketing, Internet Marketing, Network Marketing Are you confused and overwhelmed by all of the Web 2.0 marketing strategies?  I was when I started looking at social media marketing last year, it was very confusing to me.  I struggled to see how this new media would assist me in building my home based network […]

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Becoming A Good Leader Starts With Being A Good Follower

The Word “Leader”, Not What I Thought When I was young and working in the corporate world, I used to think the word “Leader” meant “the Boss”, and I saw it as the person with all of the “power” and authority.  As I climbed the corporate ladder, I soon learned it was not what I […]

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