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Are You Giving and Loving Unconditionally?

Why Is Everyone Giving Unconditionally On The Internet? Have you wondered why everyone is giving and loving so freely on the Internet and on social media?  Just a little over two years ago, this was the question that went through my mind.  I didn’t understand what Facebook and all of the social media platforms were […]

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Our Deepest Fear – Marianne Williamson

What Is Your Deepest Fear? When I first started my home based business, I would have said my deepest fear is “failure”, or “rejection”. I remember being so scared to pick up the phone to call someone.  Then when the phone rang, I would hope no one would answer.  I was shaking! 😯  When they […]

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The Greatest Gift You Can Give To Yourself

Are You Stressed During The Holidays? How are you feeling during this time of year?  Are you stressed out because there are only a few shopping days left before Christmas?  Are you thinking, I can’t believe it’s the end of this year?  Are you worried about the future? Take Time For Yourself

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Your Body’s Level Of Vibration Determines Your Experiences In Your Life

Do You Know What Frequency You Vibrate At? Sounds like a strange question huh?  Have you heard of quantum physics?  It’s a science which explains what really happens at the “micro” level of everything.  For example, if we took a layer of your skin and placed it under an microscope, we could see the cells […]

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You Change Your Life Today By Changing Your Inner Game

Everybody in life gets their “musts”, not their “shoulds” according to Anthony Robbins.  We all have our “I should do this and I should do that” list, however, Tony Robbins says we don’t do the things we should, we do the things we must.  We all have a definition of who we think we are […]

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