Your Subconscious Mind Is Controlling You – An Exercise To Help

What Are You Saying To Yourself Everyday?

Have you listened to your subconscious mind which processes about 60,000 thoughts per day?  Our “mind chatter” is running on auto-replay and it’s programming us each day. 😯  This is why we have “habits” and even when we want to change our habits, it can be difficult to change.  We are unaware of the auto-programming which is happening by our subconscious each and everyday.

Conscious Verses Subconscious Mind

According to Dr. Bruce LiptonWe live our life from the subconscious mind 95% of the time, and only 5% of the time from the conscious mind, which represents our desires and our goals.”  This is the reason when we set new goals or new year’s resolutions, within a very short period of time, we fall into our “habits” and revert back to what we are programmed to do each day.

What’s Happening and How We Can Change It:

Exercises To Start Re-Programming Your Subconscious Mind

Now that we are aware of what is really happening, here’s an exercise to help us become aware of our “mind chatter” and subconscious programming”:

1) Start writing down any “mind chatter” or anytime you notice what you are saying to yourself in your thoughts.  I.e. I woke up saying to myself “I’m tired”   🙁

2) Stand in front of a mirror and look deep into your eyes.  Keep silent and keep on looking deep into your own eyes.  You’ll start to hear what you are saying to yourself.  (Note: may be difficult in the beginning, keep at it)

3) Now that you are aware of your subconscious programming, you can choose to re-program it!  How?  Create “Daily Affirmations” and start re-programming your subconscious mind with your own “purposeful” chatter. Please click on a previous blog post titled “Why Daily Affirmations Are One Of The Crucial Keys To Success”

Are you aware of your “mind chatter”?  Do you hear your subconscious thoughts?  Do you have a way to re-program your subconscious mind?  We’d love to hear your thoughts below.  

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Also, if you’d like to learn tips and secrets I’ve used over the past 17 years, sign up for our video series below.

Sending you a lot of “Aloha” (love) & “Mahalo” (thank you) for being a part of our “Ohana” (family)!


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10 Comments For This Post

  1. Jacqueline Gates Says:

    Dahling Kellie, I don’t know if you remember, but you told me about ‘Mirror work’ a while ago and you’re right, it was hard and rather uncomfortable at first.

    But heavens, what a revelation!!

    Now that I’ve been REALLY doing my affirmations ~ regularly and repeatedly, as opposed to half-arsed lol ~ the difference in every part of my life has been spectacular!

    And I found that, if affirmations don’t resonate – sometimes they can feel like a lie – I like to use AFFORMATIONS, as taught by Noah St John in “The Secret Code of Success”

    Love you, Ms Kellie. You never fail to improve my life **hugs**

    the goddess known as Jacqui
    Jacqueline Gates�´s last blog post ..Feeling Stuck? (aka A Goddess Guide to Getting UNstuck)My Profile

  2. Kellie Says:

    Aloha Jacqui,
    Aww, that’s cool! I am glad the mirror exercise is assisting you. 🙂 And yes, I believe in affirmations as they have always worked for me.
    Thank you for your sweet comments Jacqui! Love you too Jacqui 🙂

  3. Monna Ellithorpe Says:

    Hello Kellie,

    I did not know this but makes perfect sense (According to Dr. Bruce Lipton “We live our life from the subconscious mind 95% of the time, and only 5% of the time from the conscious mind, which represents our desires and our goals.” This is the reason when we set new goals or new year’s resolutions, within a very short period of time, we fall into our “habits”)

    I am going to start working on your exercises. Thank you, Monna
    Monna Ellithorpe�´s last blog post ..Internet Marketing With Smart GoalsMy Profile

  4. Kellie Says:

    Aloha Monna,
    I am so glad you enjoyed our post and that you are going to start your exercises. Please let us know how you are doing with them Monna. Thank you for visiting our blog. Much aloha 🙂

  5. Sharon Says:

    The subconscious mind is so underestimated! This is one area I discuss in my programs when it comes to what we let in vs. what comes out and how our belief systems are formed. Media uses this to their advantage and we are like little lab rats…
    Sharon�´s last blog post ..Hate MenMy Profile

  6. Kellie Says:

    Aloha Sharon,
    Yes, our subconscious mind runs on automatic! That’s awesome that you are teaching about how it affects us. Thank you for visiting our blog! Much aloha 🙂

  7. Shelly Allen Says:

    YES! I am so AWARE of my “mind chatter”

    And I LOVE LOVE LOVE being able to almost ‘step outside’ of myself to observe it and then be able to ‘quiet’ it!

    This skill has taken me some time to learn (and I still practice) BUT it’s made a WORLD of difference for me:)

    PS – Great exercises you shared Kellie!
    Shelly Allen�´s last blog post ..The Difference Between Network & Affiliate MarketingMy Profile

  8. Nathalie Villeneuve Says:

    This is a great subject Kellie! I am reading “The Power Of Positive Thinking” ~ Dr. Vincent Peale. This book is impacting my life tremendously! Your video and topic relates really closely to where I am in the book…Awesome stuff and so helpful on a daily basis! We have to stop and examine what we say to ourselves!
    Nathalie Villeneuve�´s last blog post ..Sometimes All You Need Is Just 20 Seconds Of Insane CourageMy Profile

  9. Holly Says:

    Hi Kellie!! I am going to try this exercise. I have heard of and done affirmations, but I don’t think that I believed them so they were just words coming out of my mouth.. This gettin down and dirty with what I am saying to myself will be a whole lot more useful. then I can start the mind chatter being positive with affirmations! Thanks, Kellie, treat reminder!!
    Holly�´s last blog post ..Hooked Into Another Weight Loss Miracle?My Profile

  10. Tatjana Says:

    Really interesting text, now I already know why it is so hard to change our habits. My husband wants to quit smoking for a couple of years, but unfortunately, he cannot. I couldn’t understand why it should be so hard, but now I can picture myself, that it must be really difficult and hard to change our subconscious mind and re-programm these processes.
    Tatjana�´s last blog post ..Wilkommen Wendy! Erste Fotos von dem MoMA PS1 Young Architects Programm 2012My Profile