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What Is “Spiritual Awakening” & How Does It Relate To My Business? – pt. 1

Have you been hearing these words lately?  “Awaken”, “wake up”, “enlightenment”, “raising consciousness”?  I remember starting to hear words like this and I thought, what does that have to do with my home based business and earning residual income?  I was, however, always willing to be “coach-able” and my mentor started to introduce me to […]

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Take A Quantum Leap To Happiness And Success

Want To Take A Quantum Leap In Your Home Business And Your Life? What is a quantum leap?  Dr. Fred Alan Wolf from “What The Bleep Do We Know“, defines it as “the explosive jump that a particle of matter undergoes in moving from one place to another; in a figurative sense, taking the quantum […]

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Do You Believe In Cooperation Or Competition?

Cooperation or Competition? Which feels better?  Cooperating with someone or being in competition with them?  Pretty simple answer right?  If cooperation feels so much better than competition, why do we compete? 🙄 Social Conditioning

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Great Leaders Use Power Versus Force

Power versus Force? Do you notice a huge shift in the way people are choosing to buy goods and services?  Have you noticed it is now in the consumer’s hands, and they want to “buy” from people and companies they like and trust.  This is a huge shift from the television commercials and the big […]

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Your Body’s Level Of Vibration Determines Your Experiences In Your Life

Do You Know What Frequency You Vibrate At? Sounds like a strange question huh?  Have you heard of quantum physics?  It’s a science which explains what really happens at the “micro” level of everything.  For example, if we took a layer of your skin and placed it under an microscope, we could see the cells […]

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