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Your Closest Friends Affect Your Income And Your Happiness

Did You Know The 5 People Closest To You Affect Your Income? Have you heard this before?  Write down the 5 people who influence you the most in your life.  The people who you go to when you have a challenge, your family or friends who you love to “hang out” with.  The people whose […]

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The Law Of Attraction & Quantum Physics

When the movie “The Secret” came out, it was a huge hit and everyone was talking about it, even Oprah.  It was about the Law Of Attraction, which states that our thoughts create what we attract into our lives each and everyday.  It also states that we can create the lives we want to create […]

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Ellie Drake – Be Bold On The Outside Yet Humble On The Inside

Be Bold Yet Humble A few years ago I was taught a concept “Be Bold on the Outside yet Humble on the Inside” by my friend and mentor Ellie Drake.  Ellie Drake is president and CEO of BraveHeart Productions, and she has a social networking site for woman with a purpose, called Braveheart Women. She […]

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7 Essential Characteristics Leading To Success – Charice’s Story

What determines that saying “A Star Is Born”? I’ll never forget the day I saw Charice on the Oprah Winfrey show on May 12, 2008.  She brought me to tears, it was like the Universe was speaking through her voice.  It was the most inspiring performance from a little 15 year old girl who lived in the Philippines. […]

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Would You Like To Be A Great Communicator?

Have You Ever Miscommunicated With Someone? I sure have!  I used to wonder how come we were all on the same conference call and 5 people heard totally different things on the same call!  I was baffled. 😯  I really thought how come they didn’t hear what the speaker said?  Duh! I had no clue! […]

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