No More Heart Disease – Dr. Louis Ignarro

ignarro_nobel-150x107Dr. Louis Ignarro – No More Heart Disease

One of my friends, Kara Grabenhorst, recently posted an article on her Facebook page titled “Doctor exhorts women to take charge of heart health”.  She also stated that heart disease is the #1 killer of woman.  Wow, that’s alarming and yet I shouldn’t be surprised.

After reading her post, I was inspired to write about Dr. Louis Ignarro (click to go to his website), who won the Nobel Prize for the discovery of Nitric Oxide (NO).  Since his discovery, he has been spreading the good news about heart disease.  He says “you can reduce the risk or prevent heart disease through my NO-boosting regimen“.

Here’s an article written by Dr. Louis Ignarro titled

“What Nitric Oxide Can Do For Your Health”:

It’s like a trip to the gym for your cardiovascular system
With heart health a leading concern among both men and women in America, you need every advantage you can get in protecting yourself. The discovery of an amazing molecule, nitric oxide (NO), can help provide you with just this sort of protection.
NO improves circulation by helping blood vessels signal the surrounding smooth muscle to relax–which widens the arteries, increases blood flow and helps maintain normal blood pressure. NO keeps your system youthful, toned, and flexible. In fact, optimizing NO production is like giving your cardiovascular system a workout every day! In addition to its numerous heart-health benefits, NO also promotes immune-system health and acts as a neurotransmitter.
Say yes to NO
Unfortunately, a large percentage of people are deficient in their production of NO, which puts them at increased risk of CVD. But using amino acids like L-arginine and L-citrulline, as well as antioxidants, you can actually increase your body’s own production of NO.
Quick tips from the doctor:
Eat a healthy diet low in saturated fat to reduce the risk of plaque build-up in arteries.
Daily exercise improves the elasticity of your blood vessels.
Get a full night’s sleep to rest and revitalize.
Here’s a video with Dr. Louis Ignarro explaining NO:


Proper Nutrition And Nitric Oxide

I personally have taken Dr. Louis Ignarro‘s advice and use NO on a daily basis.  I also make sure my body gets the proper nutrition each and every day.  My health has been incredible ever since!

We hope you learned something new from our article today.  May we ask you to share by clicking the “f share” button at the top of the article, or “retweet” this post on Twitter?  We would love to hear your comments at the end of the article.

If you would like to find out how Kellie solved her life-long challenge with weight and ill-health, fill out the form below and you will receive some of our free tips.

Sending you a lot of “Aloha” (love) & “Mahalo” (thank you) for being a part of our “Ohana” (family)!

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18 Comments For This Post

  1. Codi Says:

    Hey Kellie,

    Very good information about heart disease. I also use NO daily. It helps with my circulation to my fingers and toes. In the winter time I would be outside for 10 minutes and my toes would go numb. Taking Nitworks daily has completely removed this problem from my life.

    Keep giving the gift of Good Health,

  2. Melissa Wright Says:

    Great post Kellie! I have never heard of Nitric Oxide as a treatment or prevention for Heart disease. This is some information that I need to pass on to my Mom. She has struggled with Heart Disease and High Blood Pressure issues for several years. She has a blockage in one of the arteries on her heart that they have been unable to fix through surgery. Thank you so much for sharing this information.

    So what is it that you take that provides the NO?
    .-= Melissa Wright´s last blog ..You’ve Been Laid Off…Now What? =-.

  3. Kellie Hosaka Says:

    Aloha Codi,

    Thank you for the comments! Yes, Niteworks is the best, I take it daily too! Please come by often and let me know what you think okay?

    Aloha Melissa,

    Thank you so much for being such an incredible friend! You are such a great tribe member and you are teaching me so well. I feel so welcomed by you and Jodi!

    To answer you question on Nitric Oxide, Dr. Ignarro has developed an entire heart heath line for Herbalife, so if you want I can talk to you about it on Skype. The results have been incredible! Let me know when you would like to talk. I’d love to help your Mom get healthy!
    .-= Kellie Hosaka´s last blog ..THE LAW OF ATTRACTION & QUANTUM PHYSICS =-.

  4. Shannon Tecson Says:

    Great Post Kellie:
    As you know, my father suffered a heart attack a few years ago. The cardiologist told my father that his heart was 70%-80% damaged. The docs told him that if his heart didn’t improve at least 15%-20% he’d have to get a stint put in the following month. I used a doctor to doctor letter created by Dr. Louis Ignarro to inform my dad’s cardiologist of the “ingredients” in the Niteworks which provides NO. He agreed. I put my dad on the NO for 30 days, everyday. His next visit the following month was astonishing. The ultrasound of my dads heart showed improvement of 30-40% and was able to avoid having the surgery. It’s been 3 years that has passed. My dad visits his doctor regularly for check up and his heart is now functioning at 100% with NO signs of heart disease. It’s been incredible!

    Thank you for your post, I hope this story can help others.

    Shannon Tecson

  5. Lisa Arnold Says:

    Awesome post Kellie! Thanks for sharing… Dr. Ignarro is incredible and the product line he developed for Herbalife is life changing!

  6. kellie Says:

    Mahalo Shannon & Lisa!
    Thank you so much for your dad’s testimonial Shannon! That is so incredible and brings tears to my eyes. Thank you for your kind comments always!

    Great comments Lisa! I am so happy to see you and communicate with you on our blog! Thank you. 🙂

  7. Robin Lynn Brooks Says:

    What a powerful article and a powerful testimony of your commentator. I so appreciate this important advice!

    Thanks Kellie!
    .-= Robin Lynn Brooks´s last blog ..PAIN FREE -Book Review =-.

  8. Kellie Hosaka Says:

    Mahalo (thank you) Robin! So nice to see your happy smile on our blog! Thanks again. Aloha 🙂

  9. GigiNJones Says:

    Hi Kellie,

    Appreciate your post! Thanks for bringing to light this information. Will share with the people that matter the most to me, my parents! Both have issues with high cholesterol and blood pressure. Thank you, very valuable 🙂


  10. Kellie Hosaka Says:

    My pleasure Gigi! Glad you found it helpful and yes, please share with your parents. It can change their life! Aloha 🙂
    .-= Kellie Hosaka´s last blog ..What Is “Spiritual Awakening” & How Does It Relate To My Business? – pt. 3 =-.

  11. Johneal Rouse Says:

    Hi Kellie,
    This is an excellent post with very valuable natural health information. Thanks for bringing attention to Dr Louis Ignarro’s work. I wasn’t aware of the benefits of nitric oxide or of supplementing arginine in our diets, and will certainly be looking to find out more about this subject.
    Thanks for the post,

  12. Kellie Says:

    Aloha Johneal,
    So nice to meet you on our blog. You are very welcome for the information on Dr. Ignarro. He is just fabulous! Yes, check out Dr. Ignarro’s website which is hyper-linked in this story. If we can assist you in anyway, please let us know. Aloha 🙂

  13. Tinei Says:

    Hi Kellie!
    Wow I knew our Niteworks was great, but this just confirms that idea times 100 lol. This was very educational and helped me to understand my body ecen more. Mahalo <3

    Much alofa(love),

  14. Kellie Hosaka Says:

    Aloha Tinei,
    I am so glad you learned more about Niteworks and NO. It’s so cool when we know how much we can help people! Dr. Ignarro is the best! Thank you for commenting and reading Tinei. Aloha 🙂
    Kellie Hosaka�´s last blog post ..Dreams Can Come True By Following The Road To SuccessMy Profile

  15. Herb Kinahan Says:

    By far the most concise and up to date information I found on this topic.

  16. Kellie Hosaka Says:

    Mahalo (thank you) Herb! Glad you enjoyed it! 🙂
    Kellie Hosaka�´s last blog post ..Take A Quantum Leap To Happiness And SuccessMy Profile

  17. Erik von Werlhof Says:


    Now that was an exciting video clip! I first heard of Dr. Ignarro’s work in a book called “The Greatest Treasury of Health Secrets”. My question is does Nitric Oxide come in the form in a capsule or is it obtained from something else such as a particular food? I heard mention of something called Arginine. I will have to stop by my local health food store and check.

    Thanks again!


  18. Kellie Hosaka Says:

    Aloha Erik,
    We are so glad you enjoyed the video on Dr. Ignarro! Click on his link from the article and it will take you to his personal website. He shows you where you can get his N.O. product. His product is not sold in regular stores. We are with his company, so if you are interested, fill in our health form under “Kellie’s Weight Loss Story” above. We look forward to assisting you. Aloha 🙂
    Kellie Hosaka�´s last blog post ..Are You Willing To Transform To Become A Successful EntrepreneurMy Profile

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