Deepen Your Relationships By Understanding Love Languages

Deepening RelationshipsDo You Know There Are Different Love Languages?

I didn’t know there were different ways people wanted to receive love.  I thought if I gave them a lot of love, they would receive it.  I didn’t realize I was speaking in the wrong love language, so they didn’t feel like I was giving them love!  Wow!   😯

I Thought I Was Not “Lovable” (more…)

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Dreams Can Come True By Following The Road To Success

Dreams Can Come True Following The Road To Success

You’ve Decided Which Team or Company

We are at the 4th fork on our Road To Success.  If you missed the 1st decision on your Road To Success, click on Is Social Media Marketing, Internet Marketing and Network Marketing Confusing? , and the 2nd decision, Now That You’ve Decided To Be An Entrepreneur, What’s The Next Step?, and the 3rd decision, Why Teamwork Makes The Dream Work.

To review, our 1st decision was to become an entrepreneur, our 2nd decision was to work with a team, our 3rd decision was deciding which team or which company.  By the way, if any of your decisions have been different, you may want to continue reading to have some information for the future.

What Is Your Dream Life? (more…)

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Are You Stuck In A Rut And Ready To Get Out?

Are You Stuck In A Rut?

Do you feel like no matter how much you want to change,
you still find yourself falling into the same rut?  I know what you mean, I felt the same way many times. Even after I had achieved a certain amount of success in my home based network marketing business, I found myself “stuck” several times in my entrepreneurial career. 🙄
Our Minds Are Like A Computer
I finally found the answer once I understood how “Kellie” really worked.   (more…)
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Does Your Work or Your Business Make Your Heart Sing?

Does Your Home Business Make Your Heart Sing?

Does Your Work/Job Make Your Heart Sing?

I remember taking a class when I was working in the corporate world and the teacher asked us “what makes your heart sing?”.  I thought “what do you mean by that?”.  It didn’t make any sense to me that my heart could sing! 🙄  And even if it could, why would my heart want to sing, I thought it was my throat that sang. 😳

Have You Found Your Purpose In Life? (more…)

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Do You Know That Slowing Down Can Speed Up Your Results?

7-Habits-Of-Highly-Effective-People-150x150Are you getting the results you want to get in your life? If not, how long have you been trying and not succeeding.  Maybe it’s time to do things another way, maybe it’s time to “slow down”.

With the exponential growth of information and technology, and the changes going on in our world today, I see so many people running around trying to do more everyday.  They don’t have enough time and they are getting stressed out!  Does this sound like you?

I Was Always Rushing And I Never Had Time (more…)

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