Seth Godin’s Predictions For 2012 According to Seth Godin in an interview on “The Hour”, we are at the end of the Industrial Age, and most people are totally unprepared for the changes which will take place in 2012! 😯 Security and “Doing What You Are Told” Is Over
Continue reading...What If Everything Was The Opposite Of What You Thought? Look at the video below. Is the lady moving her foot to the right or to the left? Look closely, what do you see? Interesting huh? Some people say if you see her foot moving to the right, then you are dominantly “right brained” (creative, […]
Continue reading...Leaving The Shore When I first started my home based business, I was looking for a way to make some extra income and I thought maybe I could learn how to make a full-time income so I could stay at home with my 8 year old son. That was it! That was my entire reason […]
Continue reading...What Is Your Personal Legacy? Have you ever thought about what your personal legacy will be? How about when you and your significant other are in your 90s, what will you look back on and say about what you contributed in your lifetime? Have you ever thought about what people will say about you in […]
Continue reading...Want To Take A Quantum Leap In Your Home Business And Your Life? What is a quantum leap? Dr. Fred Alan Wolf from “What The Bleep Do We Know“, defines it as “the explosive jump that a particle of matter undergoes in moving from one place to another; in a figurative sense, taking the quantum […]
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