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Do You Know That Slowing Down Can Speed Up Your Results?

Are you getting the results you want to get in your life? If not, how long have you been trying and not succeeding.  Maybe it’s time to do things another way, maybe it’s time to “slow down”. With the exponential growth of information and technology, and the changes going on in our world today, I […]

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3 of the “21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership”

Me, A Leader? When I first started in the home based business industry, I saw incredible leaders in our company and I remember thinking “I can never be that good” and “I don’t know if I want to be a leader”.  I had never done a home based business before, so I had no idea how […]

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Are You Willing To Transform To Become A Successful Entrepreneur?

Are You Willing To Change To Be A Successful Entrepreneur? How long are you willing to “give it your all” to become a successful entrepreneur?  Many people ask me how did I know that I was in the “right” business and how long did it take me to be successful?  Thinking back, it’s been over […]

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Feeling Overwhelmed Is The First Step To Moving Forward

Are You Feeling Overwhelmed? If you are, you are not alone and the good news is, it’s a sign that you are ready to move forward.  Really!  😆 How Can Overwhelm Be Good?

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What Is “Spiritual Awakening” & How Does It Relate To My Business? – pt. 4

Welcome back to part 4 of “What Is Spiritual Awakening & How Does It Relate To My Business?”.  If you haven’t read parts 1, 2, and 3, please click on this “part 1 link”, “part 2 link“ and “part 3 link”.  Please read these first, so the pieces of this puzzle will start to fit together very nicely, and […]

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