Do You Know What Frequency You Vibrate At? Sounds like a strange question huh? Have you heard of quantum physics? It’s a science which explains what really happens at the “micro” level of everything. For example, if we took a layer of your skin and placed it under an microscope, we could see the cells […]
Continue reading...Everybody in life gets their “musts”, not their “shoulds” according to Anthony Robbins. We all have our “I should do this and I should do that” list, however, Tony Robbins says we don’t do the things we should, we do the things we must. We all have a definition of who we think we are […]
Continue reading...My Network Marketing Business & Personal Growth Are you ready to accelerate your personal growth and move to the next exciting level in your life? If you are ready say “I’m Ready!”. 😆 Right after I would get asked this question, I would say “Yes, I’m ready!” and I would make my new […]
Continue reading...As a young girl, I dreamt of getting married, having a house, a child, & a dog. I really thought this was the “American dream”. As I grew up, I realized I wanted a career also, so I could contribute to my family because the cost of living in Hawaii was very expensive. To my […]
Continue reading...Never Thought I’d Be An Entrepreneur When I started my own home based network marketing business, I did not know anything about being an entrepreneur. I was taught to have a job and “climb the corporate ladder”. One of the things which was always emphasized to me by my mentors was “Kellie, you have to […]
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