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Why Personal Growth Is Essential To Your Happiness In Life

Are You Looking For Happiness? Wayne Dyer said “There is no way to Happiness, Happiness is the Way“!  Wow, when I first heard him say that on a CD, I thought …happiness is the way to happiness?  🙄  What does that mean?  I didn’t understand what he meant the first time I heard it, but I […]

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Affirmations For Success Will Impact Your Results

How Are You Feeling Today? When you got up this morning, how were you feeling? How are you feeling right now?  If you are like me, I never really thought about how I felt because I was so busy “doing” what I thought I had to do everyday.  Then one day I realized I wasn’t […]

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Surrender, Synchronicity and Success

Did You Know Surrendering Can Lead To Success? Do you know what “surrendering” really means?  I didn’t.  I thought it was all about working hard and following my plan.   🙄  It is, in the beginning, however, there comes a time, if you surrender, success appears much faster!

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Do You Want Freedom? Let Go Of False Security

Are You Holding On To A False Sense of Security? In 1995, I decided to learn to be an entrepreneur, and left the “security” of my corporate job.   I feel so grateful and blessed today because a few years after I left my job, the entire department I worked for, got downsized!  😯  What […]

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Timing Is Everything When Opportunity Is Knocking

Timing Is Everything Have you ever wondered why some people always seem to be in the right place at the right time?  It seems like they always have the right timing.  Ever wonder how you can have the right timing too? The Formula For Success

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