Learning Web 3.0 For Your Home Based Business

Home Based Network Marketing Industry Changing Forever

When I was first told by one of my mentors and good friend, Ellie Drake, that the Internet was changing and that the home based network marketing business industry would be changing forever, I was not ready for the change.  I tried to study and absorb however, nothing was going into my brain and I was quite overwhelmed! 😯   This was in 2007 and I was not ready to learn this whole new language on the web.  Today, it’s obvious that the world is changing and the web is growing at an exponential rate, far beyond any one’s imagination!

I can see today that these technological changes have advanced communication and will change the way we all interact forever.  Once I was ready to learn this new “foreign” language, I began to get fascinated at how much growth the social networks were achieving.  I realized that if I decided to learn this new language from step 1, I would get to step 2, then 3, then 4, etc.  Confucius said “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step“.

A New Language And New Skills

It was a new way of communicating just like the Internet when it was first introduced in the late 90s.  I struggled with that too, as I had learned most of my network marketing skills by talking, or using the telephone.  Gosh, I’m aging myself huh? 😆  Yes, we built most of our business before Web 1.0!  There was no Internet in 1995. 😉  We are still learning, however, each day we are learning so many new and innovative ways to communicate with people around the world.  When you own a home based business, you communicate with many people.  In fact, the more people you communicate with, the faster your home business thrives.  So, learning this “new” language is essential (in my humble opinion) to a home based business owner.

Believe me, I know how you feel, I felt the same way, until I discovered so many resources to learn from and they are all free today!  You can watch videos, read blogs, listen to podcasts, tune in to webinars, conference calls, etc. to learn Web 2.0 and 3.0 for your home based business.  Thank you to all the contributors who so freely share their knowledge and wisdom with everyone! 🙂

I have posted a few simple videos from commoncraft (thank you commoncraft) which will give you your Step 1:

1) What is the World Wide Web (www)?

2) Why is Social Networking so powerful?

3) What are Blogs & why is everyone writing one?

4) What’s an RSS and what’s that orange button on the blogs?

5) Why is Social Media so powerful in communicating with so many people around the world?

Pretty simple huh?  I love these videos because anyone can understand them!
We hope this assisted you today.  May we ask you to click the “f share” button at the top of the article, to share on Facebook or “retweet” this on Twitter? And we would love to have you comment at the end of this article as we would like to connect with you on our blog.
Also, if you’d like to learn tips and secrets I’ve used over the past 15 years, sign up for our video series below.
Sending you a lot of “Aloha” (love) & “Mahalo” (thank you) for being a part of our “Ohana” (family)!

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17 Comments For This Post

  1. Shannon Tecson Says:

    I love the little smileys in your writing!

  2. Cheryl Tateishi Says:

    Thank you Kellie! I like how commoncraft explained it in plain English. Thank you for researching and providing me the basics. Now I can build on it. I am eager and ready!

  3. Shannon Tecson Says:

    Watched this again…great job commoncraft, I love the paper made illustrations and the shaka sign at the end.

  4. Shannon Tecson Says:

    Okay Gravatar is ON! Now you can see my beautiful face…thank you Kellie 🙂

  5. Lisa Arnold Says:

    Great information Kellie!! Thank you for posting the videos. I love your blog!

  6. Francine Cruz-Almodova Says:

    Wow, so much information and easy to understand! Thanks for sharing (especially your time).

  7. Francine Cruz-Almodova Says:

    Wow, overwhelming information but Commoncraft made it so easy to understand and fun to watch. Kellie, thank you for taking the time to share this.

  8. Francine Cruz-Almodova Says:

    Wow, fantastic! Easy to understand and follow, great job Commoncraft. Thanks Kellie for taking your time to share it with us.

  9. Kellie Hosaka Says:

    Aloha Shannon, Cheryl, Lisa & Francine!

    Thank you so much for commenting on my blog. I am so glad you found the videos helpful. I really learned from them too because it was so simple! I look forward to collaborating with all of you next week.

    Aloha 🙂
    .-= Kellie Hosaka´s last blog ..THE LAW OF ATTRACTION & QUANTUM PHYSICS =-.

  10. GigiNJones Says:

    Hi Kellie,
    Thanks so much! Love the simple step by step instructions. Was able to follow and set up my reader. Amazing what’s available to maximize my time.

    Thanks again.

  11. kellie Says:

    Great Gigi! I am so glad you are talking the time to learn how incredibly efficient Web 2.0 & 3.0 is! 🙂

  12. งานอิสระทำที่บ้าน Says:

    That cool.

    Now I am learning to make home based business in my country.
    I stay at Thailand.

    I can use English not good . But I try

    Thank for great video .
    .-= งานอิสระทำที่บ้าน´s last blog ..เข้าสู่ยุคข้อมูลข่าวสารอย่างเต็มตัว =-.

  13. Kellie Says:

    So nice to meet you. I am sorry, I cannot understand your name. I hope you will visit again and write your name for me. Thank you for commenting and visiting. Your English is very good. 🙂

  14. Debra Agoo Says:

    Thanks Kellie for these valuable posts. I subscribe to the Keep It Simple Sweetie principle myself and these posts really simplify it for me. Taking one step at a time and learning a little bit each time does make it more manageable. I don’t have to be perfect, I just gotta get it going…
    In gratitude, Debra

  15. Kellie Says:

    Mahalo for your comments Debra! Yes, I love the KISS rule. I like to keep it fun, simple & magical. 🙂

  16. Marie Leonard Says:

    Your videos make learning easy for someone with a second language. Thanks for your smart approach to a topic that can be complicated for many.
    .-= Marie Leonard´s last blog ..Ten Myths and Realities of Goal Setting For Baby Boomers =-.

  17. Kellie Says:

    You are very welcome Marie! So nice to meet you here on our blog! I am glad you enjoyed the videos. Aloha 🙂

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