I feel very compelled today to reveal something which is very private and personal, however, it is such a huge part of my journey that I can no longer keep it hidden. I have been getting many “intuitive” messages that are telling me to share it with my “ohana” (family) here. So, here goes…(disclaimer: everything stated here is only from my perspective which was probably very distorted. I am not making any claims, I am only speaking my truth as it is for me).
Every since I was 8 years old, I have been trying to lose weight. I was teased at school each day “fatso, fatso”. It hurt like crazy! 😥 When we would be in PE at school, we would all line up, and the captains of each team would verbally fight with each other because no one wanted me on their team. I was too slow, and too fat. So, I started to watch what I ate, and I tried to cut calories. I began an obsessive study of food, fat, and calories! I can tell you exactly how much fat and calories are in everything! I read all the books and the magazines. I bought every diet pill and miracle cure. I tried every grapefruit diet, protein, mushrooms, yogurt, rice cakes, bars, you name it, I tried it!! Then I started to exercise, because if you exercise you burn calories! When I was a senior in high school, I wanted to be thin for the pictures, so I started to starve myself. I lost so much weight that my period stopped and the doctor had to give me medication to start it again.
Then when I was a freshman in college, I ballooned to almost 200lbs. I had gained about 80 lbs in 6 months! 😯 During the 60’s & 70’s (yes I’m that old), no one understood anorexia and bulimia. It didn’t make sense to people that someone could be addicted to food, just like cocaine or alcohol. It wasn’t until 1983, when Karen Carpenter, one of the greatest musicians of The Carpenters, died of Anorexia, then the world and myself finally understood how serious food addiction was. As soon as I heard her story, I knew That Was Me! 😥
By this time, Glen & I were already set to get married, and even after that, we both worked so much that even he didn’t realize the extent of my addiction. I was “in the closet”. For years, I obsessed about food, and damaged my health by extreme diets, exercise and taking almost any kind of “miracle drug” to lose weight. So why am I telling you all of this? Because I know that by me being truthful about my challenges with food, I may help even one person because they will know that “I Understand”. I understand what it’s like to think about food every second of everyday, to always look forward to the next meal, planning calorie by calorie. To starve yourself so long that one day you just can’t control it anymore, and you binge eat by yourself because you know something’s wrong as you eat massive servings of food without any control. Then you wake up the next morning and your stomach muscles ache (like you did 100 sit-ups the night before), and all you did was binge eat and stretch your stomach muscles so much that they hurt to breathe. Now for those of you who have never had this problem, I could say more, however, I think you get the idea that this is very warped thinking as the physical body is so “out of wack”, that your mind is delusional.
So, the years go by and I somehow manage to keep this “secret” hidden, as I do my best to be a normal wife, mother, and have a corporate job, where I was known to always be on a diet and I exercised aerobically at least three times per week. Fortunately, in 1995, I looked for a home based business, and I found Herbalife International. (Please continue reading, as I am not trying to sell or even slightly promote, that’s why posting this was so difficult, as I myself, do not like being sold. I am following my “intuition”, and if you keep on reading, you’ll understand why I had to post this today.) When I found the home based business, I wanted to learn the business. I didn’t believe the products would work on me…remember, I had the “secret” of my addiction, that nobody could understand, much the less help me! However, my sponsor was very good in telling me I must take the products so I could see for myself how I would feel. So, I did, reluctantly, and of course, I never believed the products would actually work (not for me anyway)! I learned the home business, and did very well, however, the most surprising thing happened…I started to lose weight and feel great AND for the first time in my entire life, I wasn’t thinking about food every second of everyday! I still remember the first time I looked at the clock and it was lunch time, and I hadn’t planned it out yet!! 😯 I couldn’t believe it!! Then as the days went by, I realized I stopped obsessing about food! It was a miracle for me (my opinion only)!
Now, the rest of the story is history because I have been taking Herbalife nutrition for almost 15 years now, and I have not obsessed about food the whole time. Also, because my body finally got the proper nutrition each day, my body was able to heal itself. All I know is I have freedom today and as long as I take my Herbalife products, I really can eat anything I want and I don’t have any weight challenges anymore. (Disclaimer: I am not saying you will have the same results, and I am not promoting to sell) I am speaking from my heart and my soul had to be transparent.
So many people are suffering today from obesity today and I just saw an article posted by Dr Louis Ignarro saying that “the number of people dying of obesity doubles in 10 years“. Then I saw this shocking video by Jamie Oliver who won the TED speech award. Please take the time to watch this very powerful and shocking video:
Thank you for taking the time to watch. I personally agree with Jamie’s suggestions, however, I also understand that these changes will not happen overnight. In the meantime, there is a solution for our children, and for any of you who feel out of control as I was. The foods we eat today do not supply our bodies with the nutrients it needs to stay healthy and to function properly. With superior nutritional supplementation, and education as Jamie points out here, we can start to “listen” to our bodies and respond to what it needs physically, then we will be able to focus more on the important things in life. Life is meant to be enjoyed and to create, not to be obsessed with addictions and irrational thoughts, as I did for so many years.
Thank you for listening and I hope I didn’t offend anyone. It is my truth and it was time for my soul to speak. I am now complete.
I hope this assisted you today. May we ask if you liked it, to click the “f share” button at the top of the article, to share on Facebook or “retweet” this on Twitter? Also, please comment at the end of this article as I would like to know if this confession assisted you in any way.
Sending you a lot of “Aloha” (love) & “Mahalo” (thank you) for being a part of our “Ohana” (family)!
“Consumers who use Herbalife Formula 1 twice per day as part of a healthy lifestyle can generally expect to lose around 0.5 to 1 pound per week. Participants in a 12-week, single-blind, study used Formula 1 twice per day (once as a meal and once as a snack) with a reduced calorie diet and a goal of 30 minutes of exercise per day. Participants followed either a high protein diet or a standard protein diet. Participants in both groups lost about 8.5 pounds. ”
February 27th, 2010 at 8:47 am
Dear Kellie,
I want to say congratulations for sharing this very personal story with the world. As your friend and student, I’ve heard your story many of times, however, each time I hear it, I still don’t have the slightest idea of what it means to have a food addiction. I have never had such a big weight problem compared to yours, but when I hear your story, I can only imagine the emotional pain you were suffering with. Through your story you teach me compassion and understanding. I am grateful to learn through your eyes how to coach and help others. I often think of those children at the age of eight that are consumed by junk food and often wonder how there lives will turn out when they get older. Obesity? Diabetes? Heart Disease? Stroke? Digestive problems? Such a turn of events can take place at any time. Thank you. I feel a great priviledge to be including in the mission of Herbalife. As I have also found purpose to my life as a result of being an Herbalife Distributor. Thank you from my heart to yours for having such courage to make a post, but not just the post, to also give others the “solution” to living a active, healthy lifestyle.
With love and light,
February 27th, 2010 at 9:11 pm
Thank you Shannon. Yes, this one was very tough to write. I am so glad to hear that it will help people. Thank you for your support. I really appreciate it. Lots of love & aloha 🙂
March 7th, 2010 at 2:39 pm
I was reading this in a book I’m studying right now and I wanted to share this with you.
“Metabolizing our wounds from our personal history into messages which you can then go out and teach your community.”
This is what we’re doing 🙂
.-= Shannon Tecson´s last blog ..Amongst Other Gifts You Can Gain Through A Home Based Business =-.
April 19th, 2010 at 11:34 pm
That is very cool Shannon. Thank you 🙂
March 6th, 2011 at 3:55 am
Firs of all thank you for sharing your journey through food addiction and an immense victory in the end. And greatly appreciate for sharing Jamie Oliver’s presentation regarding the movement of Food Revolution, this is my first time watching his presentation. I have seen him on Oprah cooking some food but not a detail information of what he does now. I JUST CAN’T BELIEVE WHAT I JUST HEARD FROM HIS PRESENTATION. What a eye opener presentation. Much Mahalo Kellie for sharing.
God Bless!
February 27th, 2010 at 5:37 pm
Hi Kellie,
I want to express my gratitude to you for sharing your true story. My heart fills up with joy as I know that your story will go on to help countless many overcome similar challenges. Thank you so much for being transparent. I am so grateful to have you in my life. You are a woman of great strength, love, and compassion. Thank you for being you.
Much love,
February 27th, 2010 at 9:13 pm
Mahalo Gigi for your comments. It brings me joy to know that you think it will help many people. I really appreciate your support! 🙂
March 1st, 2010 at 2:29 pm
Thank you Kellie for sharing your genuine and courageous story. Your story is truly inspiring and I love to hear it over and over and over at our opportunity meetings. I am so blessed to have found these incredible products too as they have certainly impacted life changing results for my loved ones. Aloha Kellie.
March 2nd, 2010 at 4:30 am
So nice to see you on our blog Debbie! Thanks for your kind comments! Looking forward to your visits! Aloha 🙂
March 2nd, 2010 at 4:48 pm
I applaud your honesty and openness. I am so glad that you were able to share this with us.
You are an awesome woman! I’m glad to have the chance to get to know you. Thanks so much for being who you are 🙂
.-= Val Wilcox´s last blog ..Meet Malin Berdette, World Traveler Extraordinaire =-.
March 3rd, 2010 at 3:23 am
Thank you Val! It means so much to me to hear words like yours. I look forward to getting to know you in the tribe. 🙂
March 2nd, 2010 at 6:15 pm
Your story touched my heart as I know so many who struggle with food, fad diets. Keep spreading the word for good nutrition. I am all about fitness and proper nutrition is a major part of being really physically fit.
March 3rd, 2010 at 3:25 am
Mahalo (thank you) Scott! I am so happy to connect with you and I really appreciate your comments. I look forward to getting to know you better. 🙂
March 2nd, 2010 at 6:20 pm
Kelli, this is one of the most courageous posts I have seen. I’m so happy for you as you have made this journey.
.-= Sandy Abrams´s last blog ..Soy Safety and Quality Control Checklist =-.
March 3rd, 2010 at 3:26 am
Thank you Sandy! I really take that as a compliment from you. Thank you for your kind comments. Looking forward to a growing relationship with you! 🙂
March 2nd, 2010 at 10:46 pm
Thank you Kellie for sharing so much of your personal story. It is so hard to imagine that you ever struggled with weight. In your videos and pictures you look so thin and healthy. What ever you have been doing has worked!
Growing up I was always skinny, but once I hit my mid twenties the pounds just seemed to keep adding on. I think that weight has a lot to do with your how happy you are with yourself and your self image. I have found in the past that, no matter what I did, I just couldn’t seem to break a certain barrier with my weight. Even when I was on VERY restrictive diets and was doing lots of exercise. I can also relate to reaching that point where you can’t control yourself anymore and all willpower goes out the window. This happened to me a little less than a year ago and I gained 35 pounds in 6 months.
In the last 4 months I have lost 25 pounds and know that I will finally break that barrier and reach my goal weight. This summer I will wear a bikini again for the first time in 10 years.
I am sure that the products you were taking helped you to claim your health, but I am also sure that the Personal Development that you were doing had a huge impact as well.
Congratulations for making the necessary steps in your life and thank you for having the courage to share your story.
You are going to impact so many lives! I know you have impacted mine!
.-= Melissa Wright´s last blog ..What I have learned from the Olympics =-.
March 3rd, 2010 at 3:34 am
Mahalo Melissa!
You are such a great leader and a huge inspiration to all! Thank you for your compassion and I am so glad you did not suffer as a child and that you have lost your weight recently. Congratulations!
I have to give credit where credit is due and as much as I would love to say it was Personal Development too, remember in my day, no computers, no seminars, no CDs, no videos, etc., the fax machine was just invented!..LOL..So, I didn’t get introduced to Personal Growth (I was one of those people who didn’t read a book since graduating!) until many years later. Then a new journey began..which I guess is another blog post huh? 🙂
Anyway, thank you for being such an outstanding support and an incredible source of inspiration. Your team is so fortunate to have a leader like YOU! 🙂
March 3rd, 2010 at 3:13 am
Thank you for your courage and transparency in sharing a very painful and personal chapter in your life. You have mentioned bits and pieces of your story in the past but this truly was the most you have shared at any one time. We can only imagine the extent of the silent suffering you went through with weight from such a young age and can see how much it still affects you today. The only difference today is that you found a solution and have devoted your life to sharing that solution with others. As you detailed your struggle, I realized I truly have no clue what it’s like to be addicted to food and what overweight people go through. Imagine if you hadn’t found Herbalife, you would have suffered the same demise as Karen Carpenter. If you hadn’t found Herbalife, my sponsor and I and hundreds of others would not have found the solution for better health and nutrition. It doesn’t take just movers and shakers like those in Jamie Oliver’s audience to effect change. As the parent of two children, I have the responsibility to ensure that they outlive me. Joie’s turning eight soon and no parent if they knew what you went through would allow their child to suffer as you did. Thanks to Herbalife and some educated parents, our kids don’t have to. I’m so happy that sharing your truth has made you whole.
In gratitude,
March 3rd, 2010 at 3:42 am
Thank you Debra! Your support means so much to me and I know you feel my pain. It was not easy to write this and to “come out of the closet”, however, I reached a point in my life where I realized everything I had been through was for a reason. I trust my journey today and I trust other people’s journey because, as Mark Hughes says “it’s through the hard times in your life, that your true character shows, that’s when it shines.”
I know you will create a magical life for your family Debra! Lots of love 🙂
March 3rd, 2010 at 5:02 am
Thank you for sharing your story, Kellie. I knew of the bits and pieces, however, the chain of events how this all unfolds is heart felt. What an incredible powerful video!
March 4th, 2010 at 12:19 am
Thank you for your comments Cheryl! 🙂
March 3rd, 2010 at 2:17 pm
Hi Kellie,
I found this post through Arlan Murata’s site, and I was blown away by how much I could relate to what you wrote! I, too, was a chubby child and was teased constantly about it. “Fat Cat” was the most popular. It really hurt!
Weight loss is a tough road, and we as a society have so many calorie temptations everywhere we look. I am glad you found the courage to share your story with your readers because it has the power to help others with their own struggles.
Your journey is an inspiration to many! Keep writing about it. 🙂
~Mary Lou
.-= Mary Lou Kayser´s last blog ..5 Rules for Succeeding in the New Economy =-.
March 4th, 2010 at 12:22 am
Oh, Mary Lou, you know what it felt like! Thank you for sharing! I really appreciate your sharing with me. Thank you for your kind comments, it has been tough throughout the years.
Aloha 🙂
March 3rd, 2010 at 3:05 pm
Hi Kellie,
Thank you for sharing your personal story. I never knew the full extent of how painful food addiction could be. It took a lot of courage to dig deep within your soul to share about your struggles in life. I congratulate you for being so open and transparent, and now to feel complete. I’m so proud of you!
After reading your story and listening to the video, I’m inspired and motivated to work even harder with the AYSO-Herbalife partnership to make sure all kids (and adults) are healthy and active around the world.
With Love and Aloha,
March 4th, 2010 at 12:25 am
Thank you Gail! I am so happy you were inspired by my story. So many young teenagers are suffering and no one knows! Thank you for helping us spreading nutrition around the world! 🙂
March 3rd, 2010 at 9:52 pm
Hi Kellie,
Wow not only can I not see how anyone would be offended by this post, you deserve a medal for your courage!
It’s so interesting to read that you went through so much pain at a time when your condition wasn’t formally recognized. This used to be the same for post natal depression and so many other conditions.
Just the other day I read a really sad newspaper article about a teenager with Chronic Fatigue who stated she wished she had something more fatal, as at least there would be proper diagnosis and sympathy. She felt as though people treated here very real and debilitating condition as something that was only in her head.
I can understand your reluctance in wanting to write this post because it was your own company products that turned things around. But…. Our business is about stories and they don’t get more authentic than yours.
Over time, I can imagine thousands of people being inspired by your story, not to mention the people in your team.
Thanks for sharing Kellie, you are very special 🙂
.-= Michaelé Harrington´s last blog ..Network Marketing From The ‘Inside’ Out-Finding Hope From Prison =-.
March 4th, 2010 at 3:52 pm
Thank you so much Michaele! Your comments are so heartfelt and I really appreciate your kind words. I feel for the teenager you mentioned in the article and I know many teenager and young adults who may be struggling are out there. I hope that my “confession” will help some who have the same feelings that I had.
Mahalo (thank you) for your compassion in understanding my reluctance about writing this post. It really is my Truth and I had to tell the real story. I have seen so many people who we have helped as I began to tell bits and pieces of the truth. They feel such a sigh of relief when I tell the stories of how I used to feel. And then to watch them having hope again..it’s so wonderful. 🙂
Again, I thank you so much! You are very special too Michaele! I know we really just met, however, I feel very connected to you!
Aloha 🙂
March 3rd, 2010 at 11:11 pm
It takes a huge huge heart… and a ton of courage… to dig deeply and share our most personal of struggles in the hopes of helping another person. Today you have shown your heart to your ohana and they (myself included) have been drawn in closer to the beautiful light! Each of us have a deep personal story that we don’t find easy to tell… and many never will tell their story due to fear. You have taken brave steps sister and we hold you in humble reverence for leading the way for everyone. I offer my hugs and support as does many in the community. Love and Blessings dear heart!
.-= Kimberly Castleberry´s last blog ..Inspirational Moment: Dignity, Class & Posture =-.
March 4th, 2010 at 3:59 pm
Thank you Kimberly! You are such a special soul and I feel your compassion. You are such a “giving” person and I feel privileged to know you. You are always here to help another person.
Thank you also for your “hugs” and encouragement. Please know you, my dear friend are very much appreciated and loved! 🙂
March 4th, 2010 at 4:56 am
Thank you so much Kellie for opening your heart like this – so so grateful to have found you as a leader and role model. The truth shall set us all free 😉 XXX
March 4th, 2010 at 4:01 pm
Yes, Annette, the truth does set us free because then there is nothing else to hide. You are a great example and you will help your country and set them free too! 🙂
March 4th, 2010 at 7:32 am
Hi Kellie
You are very brave to confront your addiction and also share it with all of us. I am so glad that you found something to help you change your life.
March 4th, 2010 at 4:02 pm
Mahalo (thank you) Glyna! So wonderful to meet you and I really appreciate your kind comments. Yes, I am forever grateful for finding Herbalife products which changed my life forever! Thank you 🙂
March 4th, 2010 at 3:20 pm
Be very proud of yourself, Kellie. That’s true courage.
.-= Jodi Lee´s last blog ..Take back your life =-.
March 4th, 2010 at 4:07 pm
Thanks Jodi! Yes, I will acknowledge that it took more courage than I thought to post the story, and even more as I wondered if it was the right thing to do.
I really appreciate your comments as you are such a successful person!
Lots of love & aloha 🙂
March 5th, 2010 at 11:11 pm
Kellie there is almost nothing more beautiful than a person
who shares their inner truth and exposes themselves.
I hope this helps others too but you as well to experienced
the magic of a new found freedom in your heart.
Much Aloha
.-= Robin Lynn Brooks´s last blog ..PAIN FREE – Book Review =-.
March 6th, 2010 at 1:50 am
Thank you so much Robin! I really appreciate your comments. Yes, it has been an interesting week, in which I experienced many emotions at once! Mahalo for your love & compassion. 🙂
March 6th, 2010 at 9:35 pm
Hi Kellie,
I can only applaud and admire you for sharing such an emotive and personal part of your life. I am sure that everyone who reads your story will be affected by it in some way, and surely no-one will be offended. It touches on so many emotions, it is very sad to think of all the hurt and suffering that you went through, and yet it is also very uplifting and inspiring to think of how you overcame it all to become the beautiful happy person you are now (I know I have not known you long, nor have I met you in person, it’s just the feeling I get from what I have read about you, what you say and what others say about you).
I get so upset when I think of anyone (child or adult) who gets ‘picked on’ or bullied for how they look, so I fully support anything that can help people to live healthy happy lives. I personally have not suffered from any food addictions, but I have seen the effects of it in some family and friends, and also during the course of my work as a Registered Learning Disabilities Nurse, and I always try to help and support anyone I know who is suffering. For this reason, I believe that the Jamie Oliver video had an equally powerful message, and that we need to spread the word, especially in the schools, about the importance of eating healthily, and to encourage one another to lead healthy and happy lives.
Thank you again Kellie for sharing this heartfelt post with us, I will now share it with others, and may you always have love, peace, happiness and contentment in your life.
Denise 🙂
March 7th, 2010 at 3:32 am
Aloha Denise,
I love seeing your happy face! Thank you for visiting and especially for commenting. I so enjoy reading your comments. Thank you for your compassion and I know that my journey lead me to where I am today…very passionate about my mission, my products, the home business industry, and personal growth.
It’s so interesting as the years go by, looking back it was all good. Without all the adversity, I would probably not have as much passion as I do today. I know there’s a solution for everyone.
Thank you for sharing with others, you are an incredible person. 🙂
Lots of love & aloha to you Denise! :0)
March 8th, 2010 at 5:12 pm
The transparency & courage you displayed in this post is incredibly heart-warming. I am so thrilled you found a way to conquer your addiction ~ I have many dear friends who have been there and I know how painful and isolating an experience like that can be.
Proper nutrition can do wondrous things ~ thank you for spreading the word and shining your light! You are a leader of great inspiration and I am grateful to be connecting and growing with you ~ blessings and love my friend!
.-= Beth Allen´s last blog ..Network Marketing is a Booming Profession! =-.
March 9th, 2010 at 4:29 am
Oh Beth, your words warm my heart. Thank you for being such a good friend. I was a bit nervous writing this one as you can probably tell. I see now, that we all grow as we become more and more transparent. And I must say, it is wonderful to hear that my “coming out” of the closet will assist someone else.
Much love & aloha,
Kellie 🙂
March 11th, 2010 at 6:53 pm
Kellie, I am so honored to call you my friend and my mentor. Your continuous journey to grow and improve yourself is inspiring. Thank you for this post and for being so transparent. It is going to help so many others experiencing similar struggles.
.-= Lisa Arnold´s last blog ..BEFORE I WAS I MOM…. =-.
March 12th, 2010 at 2:50 am
You make me feel so good Lisa. It’s so cool because that’s exactly how I have feeling about you and all that you have been doing with your business since social media! I am so inspired by your leadership and because of your actions, I want to do more and learn more, and teach more! It really is a viral effect! So cool huh?
So thank you Lisa and I am so happy we found this way to connect.
Please feel free to share my story here if it will help anyone. It definitely was a “stretch” for me. Thank you for your kind words. Please know that as you are inspired by someone else, you soon realise it is a reflection of yourself. 🙂
March 15th, 2010 at 4:25 pm
Hey Kellie,
Thank you for sharing that story with us. It takes a lot of courage to tell a story from your personal expierence that you had to work through. It is hard to overcome a situation like that when it is you against the world. Even though it was hard, you got through it. You are strong and I encourage you to keep up the postive attitude because you can do so many things way beyond what you can imagine!
Debbie Turner
March 23rd, 2010 at 12:33 am
Aloha Debbie,
Thank you so much for your comments and thanks for your compassion.
Yes, I believe we can do anything we want to and helping others along the way is so full of joy & fulfillment.
Aloha 🙂
March 17th, 2010 at 3:53 am
It takes alot to tell the world your story and very brave. I cried when i read it because i can relate to it alot. It’s my biggest struggle yet but over everything else i’ve tried i feel this is it for me. You’ve done it and been through it all. Think i’m finally ready to let people in that can help. Thanks kellie for being brave i know i can do it now. X
March 17th, 2010 at 9:41 pm
Aloha Paula,
Your comments warm my heart and I want to thank you for being brave and having the courage to post your truth also. When I read or hear from someone like you, it makes me feel so good because I know you feel like I did. I am so glad you are ready to let people who love you in and help you. We will be here to help you too. And you’re right, it is your time and you will succeed!
Congratulations Paula! We go with you and we will be here to assist you.
Love & aloha,
Kellie 🙂
March 21st, 2010 at 10:13 pm
Your are an amazing woman Kellie. Stand in front of your mirror every day and give yourself a pat on the back for having the courage to share your incredible journey with others. You are an inspiration to more people than you realize. Thanks for your honesty and congratulations on your success!
.-= Renee Chase´s last blog ..My Boy of Summer – Update =-.
March 23rd, 2010 at 12:40 am
Aloha Renee,
Thank you so much for your beautiful words. It’s so nice to meet you here and I look forward to getting to know you better.
You know Renee, I really do stand in front of the mirror and say “Wow, is that me? Yes, it is.” It brings me great joy to see that my post will help others. Thank you again! I really appreciate all that you said. 🙂
April 12th, 2010 at 11:06 am
Aloha Kellie,
Mahalo Nui Loa (thank you very much) for sharing your amazing story. As I read your story I resonated with what you were saying. As if you were telling my story! Thank you for being who you are. Keep shining your light.
Love and Aloha
April 14th, 2010 at 4:41 pm
So happy to see you on our blog Lani! Glad you liked it. Keep coming back and I hope you will go through some of our other articles also. We would love to hear what you feel about them. Aloha 🙂
April 19th, 2010 at 5:55 pm
I’ve seen you train for years and never before had I heard your story like THIS! I am so moved and touched by what you went through. At 60 lbs overweight, for the first time in my life, I relate to every word above. It’s so true that once you get into the groove with an Herbalife nutrition program, you feel so good and you wind up forgetting about meal obsessing. I experienced that feeling of FREEDOM for ten years. I’m inspired and excited to get back to me.
You are such a giver. I’m so fortunate to have met you! xoxo
April 19th, 2010 at 11:39 pm
Thank you Annette for your very kind comments. Yes, I have never shared the story like this because it was very difficult to do and no one really knew until now!
You can reach your goal Annette! Please let me know if there is anything I can do to assist you. I really appreciate your comments here on our blog.
Love & aloha,
Kellie 🙂
May 17th, 2010 at 1:26 am
I just want to saying. Kellie You are an amazing woman, amazing story, amazing life. Thanks for sharing your story or your life to us. I read and read, hear too.It’s very wondeful story.Always touch me.Im so greateful to read and watch your video.Your story help a lot of people.
Congratulation for your success.
Lots of love
Sivoi Tofilau
May 17th, 2010 at 5:15 am
Thank you so much for your comments Sivoi! Your words mean a lot to me. I am so grateful to you and all you have accomplished. You have been such an inspiration to me. It brings me great joy to know that you are touched by our story. Much love & aloha 🙂
.-= Kellie Hosaka´s last blog ..What Is “Spiritual Awakening” & How Does It Relate To My Business? – pt. 3 =-.
July 2nd, 2010 at 9:36 pm
WOW Kellie, Thank you so much for sharing your story and for posting that Video, I remember watching that a while back but had forgot about it. I needed that today. Thank you very much. Love ya
Julie Elliott�´s last blog post ..THE POWER OF THE MIND
August 5th, 2010 at 12:19 pm
Aloha Julie,
So nice to meet you here on our blog. Glad you liked it. I hope this helps you. See you again soon! Aloha 🙂
Kellie Hosaka�´s last blog post ..Do You Ever Feel Stuck In Your Personal Growth
August 11th, 2010 at 12:38 pm
I was very moved by your story. I really haven’t started working on my addiction to Diet Mountain Dew, yet. It seems so…minor for lack of a better word, compared to what you have been through.
We, my wife and I, decided to stock up this weekend on healthier things. We were going to do it before now, but of course we made excuses. I am finishing up my 12 pack of dews and we are not ordering anymore to put in our convenience store, so that will help. It is just weird. Diet Mountain Dew is the only thing I like to drink, and I drink 2-4 twelve ounce cans a day.
I know if you can overcome your addiction that I can, too. Thanks for sharing this with me.
Jaden DanielsÃ�´s last blog post ..Addictions…You Can Overcome Them
August 13th, 2010 at 8:12 pm
Aloha Jaden,
Congratulations on your decision to take control of your addiction. Our bodies crave due to lack of something it needs. I found that once you give the physical body what it needs (good nutrition through supplementation), it really takes care of itself.
Thank you for sharing Jaden! You are truly an inspiration. Aloha 🙂
Kellie Hosaka�´s last blog post ..How To Use The Pareto Principle 80-20 Rule To Increase Your Success
October 10th, 2010 at 4:20 am
Amazing Kellie, you have learned and grown so much from your past and it shows in the way to write. With this you have probably touched so many hearts, and you probably let someone, who’s in the same position you were in, know that it’s okay and that there is a healthy way out and there is time for change. It is so important that your story is here. Thank you for the time you took out to write it.
And the video was absolutely POWERFUL. That pretty much sums up my feelings towards it lol. Once again you have hit another blog topic “out of the park”. Haha hope i used the terminology correctly 🙂
Much alofa(love) to you,
October 10th, 2010 at 9:34 pm
Haahaa! Yes, you used the term correctly! Is out of the park one of our old terms? I guess so huh? Thank you so much for your comments Tinei! I love your perspective, it means a lot to me. Plus, I know once you receive the message, you’ll pass it on to thousands of young people! I so appreciate you Tinei and the person you are BEcoming. You already know your purpose and that is so cool! Much alofa & aloha 🙂
Kellie Hosaka�´s last blog post ..Dreams Can Come True By Following The Road To Success
December 28th, 2010 at 9:40 pm
What an inspiring story. Even though we’ve only known each other for a short time I feel like I know you well. Given your incredible self confidence, your ability to appear upbeat all the time, and the total enjoyment you manage to squeeze out of every moment I would never have guessed that you had such a problematic childhood.
I can definitely understand food addictions, but I have been fortunate to have never been “fat”. In fact it’s one of my fears in life. I can’t even begin to imagine the pain, especially as a child who was tormented by other kids.
Your struggles, journey, and triumph have indeed molded you into a very special person – and given you the heart to help others out of their pain. I love what you have to share with the world and appreciate that you have shared your solution with me.
I’m really excited to start the Herbalife products. Only wish I knew many many years back that there was a logical, simple solution to this problem. Thanks for this information, your friendship, and for being the amazing person you are!
Kathy Jodrey
Kathy Jodrey�´s last blog post ..Mike Dillard The Elevation Group- Lunatic Rantings Or Salvation
December 28th, 2010 at 11:59 pm
Awe Kathy, you are so sweet! I feel like we’ve been connected before too. Thank you so much for your kind words. This was the “toughest” post to write as I shed many tears writing it. It was all good though, because it enabled me to really heal the “old Kellie”.
Now you know the real secret Kathy…Personal growth is really about our own journey and really “walking our talk”. As we all “walk through” our walls of fear and truly BEcome better, it is only then that we truly become valuable to the marketplace. It’s not always easy, but it’s always worth it.
I am excited for you too Kathy! And I’m excited for 2011 because it is going to be the BEST Year ever!
Much love & aloha,
Kellie 🙂
November 10th, 2011 at 2:17 pm
I cannot believe it when you said you ballooned 80 pounds in just 6 months! You must have done a lot of ice cream, fries, pizza and burger eating spree to achieve that!
April 10th, 2012 at 6:35 pm
Aloha Mishka!
Actually, I didn’t eat a lot. What happened was that I had ruined my metabolism since I’ve been dieting since I was 8 years old, cause I always gained 10 lbs in 2 days by eating normally 3 meals per day, so 80 lbs in 6 months is really easy when you gain weight like that! I had literally starved my body for most of my life, so my body was “programmed” to store every calorie. I feel so blessed to have found “the solution” in 1995. Thank you for your comments. 🙂
April 9th, 2012 at 4:44 pm
Mahalo, Kelly, for sharing your experience and showing us your own truth, without reservation. I am sure there are many people out there who can relate to your story, myself included. To know we are not alone is such a huge relief! Thank you so much for opening your heart for all of us as you recalled the deep anguish of your experience, and your willingness to let us all jump into your heart to be witness to it, that takes incredible courage. I, and many many others, have been touched by your selfless sharing, your compassion, and your love. That is indeed a wonderful gift you have given to us! “Thanks” will never be enough…
With much gratitude n love,
Hillery Hanby
April 10th, 2012 at 6:57 pm
Awww, thank you Hillery! Your comments warm my heart! This was truly the hardest post I have ever written…lots of tears. 🙁 The beautiful thing is once I had the courage to write it and release it, I did find others were inspired by my “secret” and I am so glad it helped others. The greatest “thank you” for me is watching others succeed and also watching them help others succeed too! It’s our legacy and as Jim Rohn says “the greatest compliment anyone can give me is when I hear my name in their testimonial”.
Much love Hillery! Thank you for your beautiful words. 🙂
April 11th, 2012 at 4:32 am
Thanks, Kellie. I have battled obesity for years. Until I read your story, I did not face that I am addicted/obsessed with food. I fight with myself to stick with the Herbalife plan and now I realize it’s from fear of losing interest in the foods I have always loved. I have noticed that I don’t want high cal, lo nutrition anymore, but then I stop using Herbalife products and go hog wild. I can see where I’m going now. Thanks for sharing your story.
July 28th, 2012 at 3:00 am
Aloha Jane,
I am so happy to hear my story assisted you. Herbalife products will help you tremendously if you stay consistent. Congratulations and let me know how you are doing. Much love 🙂
July 27th, 2012 at 11:47 pm
kellie, if my respect for you could go up any more, it just has. this is powerful, beautiful, painful, authentic, real… so amazing to me. you are blessing so many people, i’m sure you have no idea how much your pain has been redeemed to bring health and healing not only to you but hundreds and thousands of others on this planet… thank you for being a light and open vessel, for being obedient
July 28th, 2012 at 3:06 am
Awww, I am very touched Kristi and I am so glad our post is helping people. I don’t think I’ll ever really know how much it’s helped people, however, I do know that even if it helps just one, I feel very good about it. Writing this publicly was one of the toughest things I have ever done.
Thank you so much for your very kind comments. I appreciate you!! Much love & gratitude. 🙂
November 4th, 2012 at 8:13 am
Hello Kellie
Your story really moved me as I felt like I have a lot in common with you. Watching Jamie’s passion about the obesity epidemic and how he had the support of the whole audience was magical.
I am relatively knew to Herbalife (compared to you) but have felt the incredible changes myself and so know that I have found something that I am incredibly passionate about as I believe in the products 100%.
Thanks for sharing your story and I have shared it on my facebook page.
May 6th, 2013 at 6:05 am
Dear Kellie Mam,
Good Evening!
How are You, I am Fine.. Thank you for sharing your experience with us. Ample of people are facing the same problem.. And I am feeling bad when I read this.. How you were faced all this.. But yes you are a very strong lady & your experience is a good lesson for us who face this physically & mentaly problem..I will share this to my all friends & collegue…we all proud of you!
once again thanks for sharing this.
May 10th, 2013 at 8:36 am
Kellie, thank you for your vulnerability.and courage. Although my addiction challenges are different, the feelings of shame and loot self esteem were the same. Living a dual life is exhausting. I’ll Repost and share with clients. Love and hugs!