Find Your Voice & Inspire Others To Find Theirs – the 8th Habit

I read Stephen Covey’s book, “The 8th Habit”, back in 2004, and I liked his message: From Effectiveness To Greatness.  His previous book, “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” was a best seller and I had been introduced to it in the corporate world.  Recently, I took another look at the 8th Habit and instead of focusing on the message “from effectiveness to greatness”, another message resonated with me, “Find Your Voice And Inspire Others To Find Theirs”.  This is exactly what is happening today with the internet and social media!   😀
I got excited because I realized Stephen Covey has been saying this all along, I just never heard it!! 🙄   He says, we have been through 4 economic eras:


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An Unfair Advantage – Robert Kiyosaki

Robert-Kiyosaki-Unfair-Advantage-150x150Unfair Advantage

I have been studying and following Robert Kiyosaki, the author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad since I started my own home based network marketing business.  He is born in Hawaii and he was raised the same way most of us are raised in America.  His story was so inspiring because he knew he wanted freedom and he was so courageous to listen to his Rich Dad, who was his best friend’s father.  His Rich Dad was an entrepreneur and Robert Kiyosaki knew that he wanted to be financially free, so he followed his “heart” and he listened to his “inner voice”.  I admire him so much for that as I believe that so many of us ignore our inner voice.  I believe I didn’t really listen to my inner voice until I realized it was costing me precious time with my son who was 8 years old at the time I started my home business.  I also didn’t realize what was happening all around me because I was so busy working so hard to “make a living”.  I’ve learned to listen and follow successful people who have what I want, have the time and freedom to enjoy their lives daily, and have a bigger purpose in life. (more…)

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Words of Wisdom by Jim Rohn

Kel_jimRohn-150x150The Legacy Of Jim Rohn

One of my favorite mentors is Jim Rohn.  He taught me “For Things To Change, I Had To Change.  For Things To Get Better, I Had To Get Better“.  This statement resonates within me each and every day.  He reminded me over and over to “Work Harder On Yourself Than You Do In Your Job (career)“.  These very wise words, when I finally took them very seriously, changed my life dramatically!  I began to always say “Kellie, YOU have to change and YOU have to get better!”.  So everyday, I do my best to get a little bit better.  Every night when I look into the mirror, my goal is to say “Kellie, you did your best today, great job!”

Jim Rohn Philosophies: (more…)

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The End Of The Industrial Age, Are You Prepared?

Seth Godin forever recessionSeth Godin’s Predictions For 2012

According to Seth Godin in an interview on “The Hour”, we are at the end of the Industrial Age, and most people are totally unprepared for the changes which will take place in 2012!  😯

Security and “Doing What You Are Told” Is Over


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Change Your Perspective, Change Your Life

What If Everything Was The Opposite Of What You Thought?

Look at the video below.  Is the lady moving her foot to the right or to the left?  Look closely, what do you see?

Interesting huh?  Some people say if you see her foot moving to the right, then you are dominantly “right brained” (creative, intuitive) and if you see her foot moving to the left, then you are dominantly “left brained” (logical, analytical). (more…)

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