The End Of The Industrial Age, Are You Prepared?

Seth Godin forever recessionSeth Godin’s Predictions For 2012

According to Seth Godin in an interview on “The Hour”, we are at the end of the Industrial Age, and most people are totally unprepared for the changes which will take place in 2012!  😯

Security and “Doing What You Are Told” Is Over


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Change Your Perspective, Change Your Life

What If Everything Was The Opposite Of What You Thought?

Look at the video below.  Is the lady moving her foot to the right or to the left?  Look closely, what do you see?

Interesting huh?  Some people say if you see her foot moving to the right, then you are dominantly “right brained” (creative, intuitive) and if you see her foot moving to the left, then you are dominantly “left brained” (logical, analytical). (more…)

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Are You Willing To Become A Spiritual Entrepreneur?

Spiritual Network Marketing

Leaving The Shore

When I first started my home based business, I was looking for a way to make some extra income and I thought maybe I could learn how to make a full-time income so I could stay at home with my 8 year old son.  That was it!  That was my entire reason why I began looking for a home business in 1995.  What I didn’t realize was that I hadleft the shore (my employee life), never to return, and I would begin “the most incredible journey of my life(my entrepreneurial life)!  I was now sailing in a huge ocean with a “ship” I barely knew how to sail.  And I was now the captain of my life.  I could choose to go anywhere, anytime, and if I learned how to “set my sail“, I could travel to lands I used to only dream of as a child. (more…)

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My Private And Very Personal Addiction To Food

kel_before1-221x300I feel very compelled today to reveal something which is very private and personal, however, it is such a huge part of my journey that I can no longer keep it hidden.  I have been getting many “intuitive” messages that are telling me to share it with my “ohana” (family) here.  So, here goes…(disclaimer: everything stated here is only from my perspective which was probably very distorted.  I am not making any claims, I am only speaking my truth as it is for me).


Every since I was 8 years old, I have been trying to lose weight.  I was teased at school each day “fatso, fatso”.  It hurt like crazy! 😥   When we would be in PE at school, we would all line up, and the captains of each team would verbally fight with each other because no one wanted me on their team.  I was too slow, and too fat.  So, I started to watch what I ate, and I tried to cut calories.  I began an obsessive study of food, fat, and calories!  I can tell you exactly how much fat and calories are in everything!  I read all the books and the magazines.  I bought every diet pill and miracle cure.  I tried every grapefruit diet, protein, mushrooms, yogurt, rice cakes, bars, you name it, I tried it!!   Then I started to exercise, because if you exercise you burn calories!  When I was a senior in high school, I wanted to be thin for the pictures, so I started to starve myself.  I lost so much weight that my period stopped and the doctor had to give me medication to start it again.

Then when I was a freshman in college, I ballooned to almost 200lbs.  I had gained about 80 lbs in 6 months! 😯   During the 60’s & 70’s (yes I’m that old), no one understood anorexia and bulimia.  It didn’t make sense to people that someone could be addicted to food, just like cocaine or alcohol.  It wasn’t until 1983, when Karen Carpenter, one of the greatest musicians of The Carpenters, died of Anorexia, then the world and myself finally understood how serious food addiction was.  As soon as I heard her story, I knew That Was Me!  😥


By this time, Glen & I were already set to get married, and even after that, we both worked so much that even he didn’t realize the extent of my addiction.  I was “in the closet”.  For years, I obsessed about food, and damaged my health by extreme diets, exercise and taking almost any kind of “miracle drug” to lose weight.  So why am I telling you all of this? Because I know that by me being truthful about my challenges with food, I may help even one person because they will know that “I Understand”.  I understand what it’s like to think about food every second of everyday, to always look forward to the next meal, planning calorie by calorie.  To starve yourself so long that one day you just can’t control it anymore, and you binge eat by yourself because you know something’s wrong as you eat massive servings of food without any control.  Then you wake up the next morning and your stomach muscles ache (like you did 100 sit-ups the night before), and all you did was binge eat and stretch your stomach muscles so much that they hurt to breathe.  Now for those of you who have never had this problem, I could say more, however, I think you get the idea that this is very warped thinking as the physical body is so “out of wack”, that your mind is delusional.  (more…)

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How A Legitimate Home Business Can Become Your Legacy…

Father_daughter-crop-150x112What Is Your Personal Legacy?

Have you ever thought about what your personal legacy will be?  How about when you and your significant other are in your 90s, what will you look back on and say about what you contributed in your lifetime?  Have you ever thought about what people will say about you in your eulogy?  These are usually questions which we don’t think about, at least I didn’t until I joined my home based business.

In the beginning of my personal development plan, I remember reading books like Brian Tracy’sMaximum Achievement“, which put me through exercises I had never even thought about before.  Questions like the ones I just mentioned and others like “if you had 6 months to live, what would you do tomorrow?”.  If your answer was not the same as what you currently do, then he said you were doing the wrong thing, because how do you know you don’t have just 6 months?  Wow! 🙄


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