Take A Quantum Leap To Happiness And Success

Quantum Leap to HappinessWant To Take A Quantum Leap In Your Home Business And Your Life?

What is a quantum leap?  Dr. Fred Alan Wolf from “What The Bleep Do We Know“, defines it as “the explosive jump that a particle of matter undergoes in moving from one place to another; in a figurative sense, taking the quantum leap means taking a risk, going off into an uncharted territory with no guide to follow”.

What Does “Quantum Leap” Really Mean? (more…)

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What Is Real Money And Why Having Financial Education Is An Unfair Advantage

Real MoneyWhat Is Real Money?

If you read our last post, you now know what is causing inflation.  Click on “Inflation” to go our previous post. What is real money?  Well, it definitely is not the paper bills we refer to as money.  We found out that those paper bills are just currencies which represent a note or a debt.  Let’s look back at history… (more…)

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Do You Know What “The Business of the 21st Century” Is According To Robert Kiyosaki?

Does the current financial situation in the US and around the world concern you?  Do you understand what is really going on?  Do you know who Robert Kiyosaki is and do you know what he feels is “The Business of the 21st Century?”   I am going to give you a detailed summary in this article, so you can have this information in just a few minutes.

My Life As An Employee (more…)

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Attracting Abundance By Having Fun Everyday

Having FunAre You Feeling A Yearning For Something More?

Today, many people are searching for their purpose in life and looking for something they can be passionate about.

Purpose In Life?

In 1995, I had no clue what my purpose in life was!  I didn’t even think about why I was here.  I was working in the corporate world, going to my job day in and day out.  And it was good, I was happy, Until …one day I realized I missed 8 years of my son’s life! 😥   Have you ever felt like that? (more…)

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Are You Ready For A Breakthrough? It May Look Like Chaos!

BreakthroughDo You Have Some Chaos In Your Life?

That can be a very good sign!  Really!   😆  Have you ever heard of anyone who has gone through a massive transformation in their life without having some chaos first?   😀

Chaos And Dark Times Can Be Catalysts (more…)

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