New Rules Of Money For Home Based Business – Robert Kiyosaki

Starting a home based network marketing business and succeeding as an entrepreneur can be difficult without the proper guidance and education.  Fortunately, when I started my home business in 1995, I started with a very reputable company and I had incredible mentors to follow.  They lead me through a step-by-step process to not only learn the network marketing business and all of the skills I would have to learn to be successful, but to also transition me from being an employee to becoming a big Business person. (more…)

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Is Social Media Marketing, Internet Marketing and Network Marketing Confusing?

Network marketing business training residual income

Social Media Marketing, Internet Marketing, Network Marketing

Are you confused and overwhelmed by all of the Web 2.0 marketing strategies?  I was when I started looking at social media marketing last year, it was very confusing to me.  I struggled to see how this new media would assist me in building my home based network marketing business. There was so much free information, conference calls, videos, and webinars!  I was so excited because when I started my home based network marketing business, we had to pay for every conference call and every piece of information because the internet didn’t exist yet!!   😀  I know, I know, I’m a “dinosaur”, (more…)

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You Change Your Life Today By Changing Your Inner Game

Everybody in life gets their “musts”, not their “shoulds” according to Anthony Robbins.  We all have our “I should do this and I should do that” list, however, Tony Robbins says we don’t do the things we should, we do the things we must.  We all have a definition of who we think we are and we will do anything to keep that belief because these are our musts.  Our standards and beliefs about ourselves are our “glass ceilings” of limitation.  The question is when did we define ourselves that way and can we change our beliefs about ourselves.


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How To Focus To Have A Productive Day

How To Focus On Your GoalsWould You Like Faster Results?

One of the key principles I learned over the years has been to FOCUS.  Focus on what I really wanted.   😎

What Do You Really Want?

One of the first things I had to decide was “what did I really want?”, and it wasn’t what I thought I could have, it was “what did I really want deep down inside“.  If I couldn’t lose, what would I really go for?  🙄  It’s funny, cause when I really dug deep into my heart, I knew what I really wanted.  I was just too scared to “go for it”.  😯  Once I realized what my “Deepest Fear” was, I was then able to commit to focusing on my goal.

F.O.C.U.S. (more…)

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Do You Ever Feel Stuck In Your Personal Growth?

My Network Marketing Business & Personal Growth

Are you ready to accelerate your personal growth and move to the next exciting level in your life?  If you are ready say “I’m Ready!”.   😆   Right after I would get asked this question, I would say “Yes, I’m ready!” and I would make my new plan, and get all excited for my future.  But then, after a week or so, and especially after a month, I would find myself in the same old “rut”!  I thought I was doing great.  I thought I was executing my new plan…but still there was something inside of me that I knew held me back.  Argh 😡 (more…)

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