Are You Giving and Loving Unconditionally?

Love Unconditionally

Why Is Everyone Giving Unconditionally On The Internet?

Have you wondered why everyone is giving and loving so freely on the Internet and on social media?  Just a little over two years ago, this was the question that went through my mind.  I didn’t understand what Facebook and all of the social media platforms were and why so many people were spending so many hours online. (more…)

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Our Deepest Fear – Marianne Williamson

storm-cloud-150x150What Is Your Deepest Fear?

When I first started my home based business, I would have said my deepest fear is “failure”, or “rejection”. I remember being so scared to pick up the phone to call someone.  Then when the phone rang, I would hope no one would answer.  I was shaking! 😯  When they did answer, I read my script with a shaky voice and I sounded like I was reading… because I Was!! 😕   Talk about fear! 😯   I kept on doing it, over and over and over, and guess what?  I got better at it each time.  What I didn’t realize then, is that “you make up in numbers what you lack in skill“, as my friend and mentor Jim Rohn used to say.  As I got more skilled, my confidence went up and then I wasn’t scared of the phone anymore, in fact, I was excited to get on the phone each day.

Facing Your Fears


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The Greatest Gift You Can Give To Yourself

Are You Stressed During The Holidays?

How are you feeling during this time of year?  Are you stressed out because there are only a few shopping days left before Christmas?  Are you thinking, I can’t believe it’s the end of this year?  Are you worried about the future?

Take Time For Yourself (more…)

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Great Leaders Use Power Versus Force

Network Marketing Leaders Use Power vs. Force

Power versus Force?

Do you notice a huge shift in the way people are choosing to buy goods and services?  Have you noticed it is now in the consumer’s hands, and they want to “buy” from people and companies they like and trust.  This is a huge shift from the television commercials and the big billboards “forcing” a message into our subconscious mind which basically programed us to buy! 😯 (more…)

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Inflation – Why Robert Kiyosaki Says Don’t Save Money

Robert Kiyosaki

Why Are Prices Rising?

Are prices really going up or is the value of our currency going down? Do you know why experts are saying it is very likely that the US will experience inflation and possibly hyperinflation?

The Rules of Money Changed (more…)

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