How To Focus To Have A Productive Day

How To Focus On Your GoalsWould You Like Faster Results?

One of the key principles I learned over the years has been to FOCUS.  Focus on what I really wanted.   😎

What Do You Really Want?

One of the first things I had to decide was “what did I really want?”, and it wasn’t what I thought I could have, it was “what did I really want deep down inside“.  If I couldn’t lose, what would I really go for?  🙄  It’s funny, cause when I really dug deep into my heart, I knew what I really wanted.  I was just too scared to “go for it”.  😯  Once I realized what my “Deepest Fear” was, I was then able to commit to focusing on my goal.

F.O.C.U.S. (more…)

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Do You Ever Feel Stuck In Your Personal Growth?

My Network Marketing Business & Personal Growth

Are you ready to accelerate your personal growth and move to the next exciting level in your life?  If you are ready say “I’m Ready!”.   😆   Right after I would get asked this question, I would say “Yes, I’m ready!” and I would make my new plan, and get all excited for my future.  But then, after a week or so, and especially after a month, I would find myself in the same old “rut”!  I thought I was doing great.  I thought I was executing my new plan…but still there was something inside of me that I knew held me back.  Argh 😡 (more…)

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Are You Happy & Fulfilled In Your Life?

Happy Face RedAs a young girl, I dreamt of getting married, having a house, a child, & a dog.  I really thought this was the “American dream”.  As I grew up, I realized I wanted a career also, so I could contribute to my family because the cost of living in Hawaii was very expensive.  To my dismay, after working in the corporate world for 13 years, I realized…I got married to the best guy, I had the best son, the house, and even the dog, however, I didn’t spend any time with them because all I did was work at the job!  So I wasn’t Happy, I wasn’t Successful, I wasn’t Grateful, and I wasn’t Fulfilled.  I was Loved by others, but not by myself. (more…)

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What Is Personal Development or Personal Growth?

Kel_jimRohn-150x150Never Thought I’d Be An Entrepreneur

When I started my own home based network marketing business, I did not know anything about being an entrepreneur.  I was taught to have a job and “climb the corporate ladder”.  One of the things which was always emphasized to me by my mentors was “Kellie, you have to start a Personal Development growth plan“.  I had no idea what that meant. 🙄   I didn’t like reading books, so I definitely never read a “self help” book or if I did, I didn’t know what it was.

Jim Rohn, One Of  Our Great Mentors (more…)

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Becoming A Good Leader Starts With Being A Good Follower

The Word “Leader”, Not What I Thought

When I was young and working in the corporate world, I used to think the word “Leader” meant “the Boss”, and I saw it as the person with all of the “power” and authority.  As I climbed the corporate ladder, I soon learned it was not what I thought.  I had more responsibility which meant I had to do “whatever it took” to get the job done, so in the end, I was really the one who worked the hardest and longest hours, and if something went wrong, it was my fault!  I soon realized there was not enough hours in the day and I was making less than my employees to be the “Boss”!  Thank goodness I found the home based business industry. (more…)

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