Me, A Leader?
When I first started in the home based business industry, I saw incredible leaders in our company and I remember thinking “I can never be that good” and “I don’t know if I want to be a leader”. I had never done a home based business before, so I had no idea how to run a business or anything like that. I was taught to have a job and work hard to climb the corporate ladder. My mentors told me that they thought I would do very well in this business, so I believed them. What I didn’t know was that the company plan was designed to take anyone step by step, and groom them to become anything they wanted to become. Before I knew it, people were following me and calling me their leader! Incredible!
John Maxwell
One of my favorite mentors in leadership is John C. Maxwell. The first book I read by him was “Developing The Leader Within You“. After that, I read “Developing The Leaders Around You“, “The 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership“, “The 17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork“, and many more. I listened to his CDs and bought his DVDs. He was one of the best teachers on Leadership. I knew I had to become a better leader if I really wanted to influence people and truly make a difference in their lives. His words are very easily absorbed and I love his sense of humor! He also explains how leadership is a process, hmmm sounds like a journey!
Here’s a lesson from John C. Maxwell‘s new and updated “21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership” book:
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