Why Einstein Said “Reality Is An Illusion” and How It Affects Your Business

Einstein and quantum physics“Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one”

Did you ever wonder why Albert Einstein said this?  I didn’t understand it until I started to study Quantum Physics.  Then this statement interested me because if reality is an illusion, then what is real?  🙄

What Is Quantum Physics? (more…)

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Are You Feeling Lost or Out Of Control? … Steps To Move Forward

Feeling lost in businessDo You Feel Like This Woman?

Are all of the fast-moving changes of today causing you to be stressed out?  Do you feel somewhat out of control?   😡

You’re Not Alone (more…)

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Time Management Tips For The Home Business Owner

Time Management for Your Network Marketing BusinessFinding Time For Your Home Based Business

One of the questions which people ask me quite frequently is “how did I find the time to start my home based network marketing business when I worked 14 hrs/day at my job?”.  It’s interesting because when your desire to do something is so strong, you will take the time to do it.  And in 1995, when I decided to do a home based business, I had a very strong desire to start spending time with my 8 year old son and to do that, I had to bring in a FT income.

I became the best student and I want to share with you some of what I believe to be the “Keys” to Time Management which is really Self Management.

Time Management Tips For The Home Based Business Owner:

1) Time is the most valuable commodity we have.  We all have 24 hrs/day and we can’t buy another hour no matter how much money we have.  Start to value every second as if it was money, because everyday we are given 86,400 seconds and if we don’t use it wisely will be gone forever.  Suppose we had $86,400 to use daily, and if we didn’t use it wisely it would be gone forever, would we be very careful about how we used it?  Yes, in fact, we would invest it so it would not be wasted.  Now think about every second this way, because if we would invest it in learning, in leaving our legacy, in duplication, into things which we knew would always have a return in the future, we would never waste another second again. 😛 (more…)

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How To Make Personal Growth Part Of Your Daily Routine

Personal development routineNo Time For Personal Development?

I used to feel like I had so much to do, therefore, I didn’t have time to fit in personal development too! 🙄  Do you ever feel this way?

Successful People Find Time For Personal Growth (more…)

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Find Your Inner Purpose In Life And Discover Your Real Career

mission in lifeDo You Know What Your Mission In Life Is?

I remember reading a book that asked this question and I thought “No, do I have a mission in life?”  🙄  I asked my husband if he knew what his mission in life was and he said “Yes”!  I was shocked that he knew what his was without even thinking.  I asked him what it was and he said very emphatically, “to make you happy”.  Wow!   😯 He was so sure and serious about this complicated question.  I was flattered however, it was obvious that I didn’t know what my mission in life was…

Looking Within (more…)

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