Do You Want Freedom? Let Go Of False Security

False Sense of SecurityAre You Holding On To A False Sense of Security?

In 1995, I decided to learn to be an entrepreneur, and left the “security” of my corporate job.   I feel so grateful and blessed today because a few years after I left my job, the entire department I worked for, got downsized!  😯  What I thought was a “safe, secure” job, would have left me looking for another “false sense of security” a few years later.  🙄

The Monkey And The Peanut (more…)

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Do You Believe You Can Heal Yourself?

Healing-Yourself-Epigentics-150x150Healing Your Body

I am very grateful to have found a home based network marketing business in the Wellness Industry.  I, myself had many challenges with my own weight and health all my life.  I started to learn through my mentors, and through books, tapes, CDs & DVDs, that I really could heal my body and become very healthy and thin.

You Can Change Your Genetic Code

Two incredible authors, Dr. Wayne Dyer & Dr. Bruce Lipton, taught me that you can heal yourself.  Dr. Bruce Lipton says “a negative belief can kill you, and a positive belief can heal you.”  He also talks about epigenetic control which is control above the genes.  Your belief can change your genetic code.  Amazing!  So many new discoveries with new technologies that basically prove that our body can heal itself if you believe it can and if you take care of your body.  Your body has certain needs, just like a flower.  If you treat your body well, it stays well, and if you believe your body can heal itself, then you will take care of your body and give it what it needs.


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Why A Home Based Business Is The Perfect Business

Robert-Kiyosaki-Perfect-Business-150x150The Perfect Business For Anyone

In 1995, I realized I didn’t want to continue working 14 hrs/day at my corporate job.  I wanted to be home with my son, and I knew I probably had to start my own home based network marketing business, but, I just had no clue what do.  My whole life was dedicated to go to school, get good grades, get a safe, secure job and climb the corporate ladder!

Step By Step To Residual Income


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Word of Mouth + Social Media = Exponential World of Mouth

Social Media – A Fundamental Shift In Communication

Social Media is a fundamental shift in the way we communicate today.  Why? What’s your favorite restaurant?  What made you decide to try it the first time you ate there?

Loyalty & Trust

About 20 years ago, we were looking for a good Japanese restaurant in our area.  We wanted good Japanese food at a reasonable price, and we expected good service.  We asked people to recommend a good Japanese restaurant.  There was one restaurant which my parents really liked, and we started to go there weekly.  We enjoyed the food, it was reasonably priced, the service was good, and soon enough, the owner noticed that my mother was a frequent customer, so they became friends.  

Today, my mother gets special treatment and reservations whenever she wants to.  And guess what?  It’s the only Japanese restaurant we ever go to. They developed a “loyal” customer for the last 20 years and we recommend the restaurant to everyone.

So, I was looking at this and how this relationship was developed:

1) What is their target or niche market? (people who want reasonably priced, good Japanese food)
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Timing Is Everything When Opportunity Is Knocking

Opportunity KnocksTiming Is Everything

Have you ever wondered why some people always seem to be in the right place at the right time?  It seems like they always have the right timing.  Ever wonder how you can have the right timing too?

The Formula For Success (more…)

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