Linchpin – Are You Indispensable?

Linchpin-150x150The Rules In The Game Of Life Have Changed

Have you noticed all the “rules” in the game called life have changed?  What happened to “go to school, get a job, work for 40 years, retire, and enjoy life”?  This was the plan I thought I was going to follow, and I thought it was safe and secure.  I know many people today are wondering what is going on and what do they do.

Tribes and Linchpin by Seth Godin

I recently have been studying Seth Godin, he is the author of “Tribes” and I was going to write about this book, however while researching, I found out that he just released a new book called “Linchpin – Are You Indispensable?”.  As I read more about this book, I realized he was talking about everything I believe about what is going on today, and all of the vast changes happening.  Seth says “For hundreds of years, the population has been seduced, scammed, and brainwashed into fitting in, following instructions, and exchanging a day’s work for a day’s pay. That era has come to an end and just in time.”  He says that in the industrial age, people who went to public schools were educated to be factory workers.  They wanted people who were going to fit in and follow instructions.  Hmm…now doesn’t that make sense. 🙄  He says that we were trained to follow instructions and it dampened our genius!  Wow, that’s how I have felt my whole life, like I was meant to do more or be more than just in a job! 😯

Fitting In Dampened Our Genius

We followed the plan, went to school, worked hard at a job where we always had a boss.  Then in 1995, I knew I had to make a change. 🙁   I wanted to spend time with my 8 year old son and I wanted to be a good wife, and I wanted to go on vacation, but I needed to bring home a FT income.  We feel so blessed today because I started our home based business very PT and very quickly made a FT income.  What I was taught by my entrepreneurial mentors was exactly what Seth Godin is saying in his Linchpin book today.  They were teaching me that in 1995!

Do You Hear Your “Little Voice”?

Seth says “Everyone has a little voice inside of their head that’s angry and afraid. That voice is the resistance and wants you to be average (and safe).” Well today being an employee is certainly not playing it safe.  He also goes on to say that we are all geniuses and we all have exceptional abilities.  I really believe that with all my heart. Unfortunately, we were all brainwashed to conform instead of develop our specific gift.  Seth says in today’s new environment there is so much opportunity because everyone can play and everyone can become indispensable in their “art”.  

Everyone Can Play And Become A Linchpin

We believe these changes happening today are really for the better, because it will “awaken” us to do things that “make our heart sing“.  We can see it on the internet each day.  Everyone is contributing and helping each other.  Everyone is finding their “niche” and will start to develop skills which have been “sleeping” in them.  If you told me 1 year ago, that we would be writing articles on our own website, we would never have believed you.  And yet here we are writing articles on our own website and enjoying it because you, our readers, are benefiting and finding value in our posts.  It’s an incredible feeling…truly giving and contributing with no attachments.

Please watch this very informative video by Seth Godin as he truly explains what is happening and what you can do to become indispensable:

I remember hearing a quote when I first started my home based business and it said “there are those who Make it Happen, those who Watch It Happen, & those who say “What Happened?”  You now know what happened, the choices are all yours now.  It’s called Freedom!

As you trust yourself and start doing the things that you love and have great passion for, you will find that you will be so happy and fulfilled in life.  You will truly find your purpose and mission in life, and then life is an incredibly exciting journey.  You no longer have to wonder what you are doing today, you will know, and you will be excited to start “working” everyday, because it will also be what you’ve always wanted to do in your “spare” time.  And pretty soon, you will be surprised because everything you wanted in life is all coming true.

We hope you gained some insight from this post on Seth Godin, his genius insight, and vision.  We would love to know how you felt about the article in your comments below.  May we ask you to click the “f share” button at the top of the article, to share on Facebook or “retweet” this on Twitter? 

Also, if you’d like to learn tips and secrets I’ve used over the past 16 years, sign up for our video series below.

Sending you a lot of “Aloha” (love) & “Mahalo” (thank you) for being a part of our “Ohana” (family)!


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Deepen Your Relationships By Understanding Love Languages

Deepening RelationshipsDo You Know There Are Different Love Languages?

I didn’t know there were different ways people wanted to receive love.  I thought if I gave them a lot of love, they would receive it.  I didn’t realize I was speaking in the wrong love language, so they didn’t feel like I was giving them love!  Wow!   😯

I Thought I Was Not “Lovable” (more…)

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Dreams Can Come True By Following The Road To Success

Dreams Can Come True Following The Road To Success

You’ve Decided Which Team or Company

We are at the 4th fork on our Road To Success.  If you missed the 1st decision on your Road To Success, click on Is Social Media Marketing, Internet Marketing and Network Marketing Confusing? , and the 2nd decision, Now That You’ve Decided To Be An Entrepreneur, What’s The Next Step?, and the 3rd decision, Why Teamwork Makes The Dream Work.

To review, our 1st decision was to become an entrepreneur, our 2nd decision was to work with a team, our 3rd decision was deciding which team or which company.  By the way, if any of your decisions have been different, you may want to continue reading to have some information for the future.

What Is Your Dream Life? (more…)

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Are You Stuck In A Rut And Ready To Get Out?

Are You Stuck In A Rut?

Do you feel like no matter how much you want to change,
you still find yourself falling into the same rut?  I know what you mean, I felt the same way many times. Even after I had achieved a certain amount of success in my home based network marketing business, I found myself “stuck” several times in my entrepreneurial career. 🙄
Our Minds Are Like A Computer
I finally found the answer once I understood how “Kellie” really worked.   (more…)
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Does Your Work or Your Business Make Your Heart Sing?

Does Your Home Business Make Your Heart Sing?

Does Your Work/Job Make Your Heart Sing?

I remember taking a class when I was working in the corporate world and the teacher asked us “what makes your heart sing?”.  I thought “what do you mean by that?”.  It didn’t make any sense to me that my heart could sing! 🙄  And even if it could, why would my heart want to sing, I thought it was my throat that sang. 😳

Have You Found Your Purpose In Life? (more…)

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