Why Teamwork Makes The Dream Work

Teamwork Makes The Dream WorkYou’ve Decided To Work With A Team To Fulfill Your Dreams

We are at the 3rd fork on our Road To Success.  If you missed the 1st decision on your Road To Success, click on Is Social Media Marketing, Internet Marketing and Network Marketing Confusing? (click on title), and the 2nd decision on your Road To Success, Now That You’ve Decided To Be An Entrepreneur, What’s The Next Step? (click on title).

Our 1st decision was to become an entrepreneur, our 2nd decision was to work with a team, and now our 3rd decision is to decide which team to work with or which company.  By the way, if your 2nd decision was to work alone, you may want to continue reading to have some information for the future.

Cooperation Or Competition

Our current education system (more…)

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Working Smarter, Not Harder – Be A Home Business Owner

Working-Smarter-with-network-marketing-business-110x147Working Hard At The Job

In 1995, I was working 14 hrs/day in the corporate world and though I enjoyed my job, I missed being with my son and in my heart, I knew I was doing something wrong.  I wanted to be a mother and yet I knew I had to bring home income for my family.  In Hawaii, one income is not enough to have a descent life.  I felt like I had done everything right and yet inside of me, I knew I was not doing the right thing for my son and for me. 😥


I remember reading this book titled “you2” by Price Pritchett.  It was a book about Quantum Leaps and in the front of the book was a story which I will never forget.  I would like to share that story with you…

I’m sitting in a quiet room at the Millcroft Inn, a peaceful little place hidden back among the pine trees about an hour out of Toronto.  It’s just past noon, late July, and I’m listening to the desperate sounds of a life-or-death struggle going on a few feet away.

There’s a small fly burning out the last of its short life’s energies in a futile attempt to fly through the glass of the windowpane.The whining wings tell the poignant story of the fly’s strategy—try harder.

But it’s not working.

The frenzied effort offers no hope for survival.  Ironically, the struggle is part of the trap.  It is impossible for the fly to try hard enough to succeed at breaking through the glass.  Nevertheless, this little insect has staked its life on reaching its goal through raw effort and determination.

This fly is doomed.  It will die there on the window sill.

Across the room, ten steps away, the door is open.  Ten seconds of flying time and this small creature could reach the outside world it seeks.  With only a fraction of the effort now being wasted, it could be free of this self-imposed trap.  The breakthrough possibility is there.  It would be so easy.

Why doesn’t the fly try another approach, something dramatically different? How did it get so locked in on the idea that this particular route, and determined effort, offer the most promise for success?  What logic is there in continuing, until death, to seek a breakthrough with “more of the same”?

No doubt this approach makes sense to the fly.  Regrettably, it’s an idea that will kill.

“Trying harder” isn’t necessarily the solution to achieving more. It may not offer any real promise for getting what you want out of life.  Sometimes, in fact, it’s a big part of the problem.

If you stake your hopes for a breakthrough on trying harder than ever, you may kill your chances for success.

—Price Pritchett

I was like the fly.  I was working harder and harder and I continued to let the years go by without spending time with my son.  Why don’t we try another approach to life, something dramatically different?  Fortunately for me, in 1995, I decided to take a step back and look for another approach.  That’s when I found the home based network marketing business industry.  It was a whole new approach which set me free from my self-imposed trap! 😀

Here’s what I found:

Being a home based business owner will set you free and give you the education to become valuable to the marketplace.  If you would like to receive the rest of the lessons that I learned, sign up for our video series below, and you’ll receive the remaining sessions from me.

Also, if you enjoyed our article, may we ask that you press the “fshare” button at the top of the article or re-tweet it for us.  And we’d love for you to share your comments below.

Sending you all a lot of “Aloha” (love) & “Mahalo” (thank you) for being a part of our “Ohana” (family)!


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8 Financial Myths About Money According to Robert Kiyosaki

New Rules About Money

Did you know all of the rules about money you were taught in school have all changed?  They are now very destructive myths and can actually be dangerous according to the world’s top personal financial educator, Robert Kiyosaki.

Changed My Beliefs About Money

When I started my home based network marketing business back in 1995, I realized the rules I was taught in school about money was not going to help me attain the freedom I desired in my heart.  I studied Robert Kiyosaki’s best selling book, “Rich Dad Poor Dad“, and then I went on to study almost everything he wrote.  I realized I had to change my beliefs (more…)

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Are You Afraid Of How Fast Things Are Changing Around You?

Overwhelmed With Information

It seems like everywhere you look today, something is changing.  We are living in the information age and we are getting “bombarded” with information overload.  Everything you could ever want to learn about anything can be found by just asking Google! 🙂   In my youth, my parents saved up all their money to spend thousands of dollars just to buy me an encyclopedia and dictionary set. Today all of that is available for free!  So yes, times have changed and they are changing very fast.

Facts of the Fast Paced Changes in Our World Today:

– the amount of new technical data is doubling every 2 years

– online social media has become the most influential source in helping consumers make purchasing decisions.

Facebook is now the operating system on the social web (more…)

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Are You Comfortable Being Uncomfortable?

Highly Successful PeopleDid You Know Successful People Are Uncomfortable Most Of The Time?

I didn’t know this was a key characteristic of highly successful people.  Why would we want to be uncomfortable?   🙄

Why Are Roller Coaster Rides Popular? (more…)

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