Why I Became An Entrepreneur – To Be A Better Mom

Ever Wonder How People Become Entrepreneurs?

I did!  Ever since I was young, I always wondered why some people could spend time with their children, travel the world, and have the freedom to do “what they wanted, when they wanted”.   🙄

Go To School, Get A Good Job  (more…)

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Don’t Quit On Your New Year’s Resolutions

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New Years ResolutionsHow Are Your New Year’s Resolutions Going?

According to the University of Scranton, Journal of Clinical Psychology, only about 8% of people who make a New Year’s Resolution, are successful in keeping them.   😥

Why Do 92% Fail To Keep Their Resolutions?

Resolutions are hard to keep because they require us to change our habits. We all tend to do things a certain way, and we do them over and over, day in and day out. 😯   That’s why Change is Uncomfortable, and requires effort and discipline, to start do things differently than we are habitually doing.  

Here Are Some Tips On Keeping Your Resolutions: (more…)

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Is Getting a Job in the 21st Century a Scam?

ScamAlert6_690x690Working 40 Hours a Week for 40 Years – Security or Scam?

I recently saw this posted thanks to Art Jonak: 

Beware of This Scam:
It’s a program where you work your tail off for someone else for 40 hours a week, for 40 years, get a $40 gold watch and then try to live on 40% of what you couldn’t live on while you were working 40 hours a week. (aka “a job”).  It has been known to leave people Just Over Broke after participating for 40 or more years, yet millions of people fall for it everyday.  😯 (more…)

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Did You Know Your Human Emotions Can Guide You Like A GPS?

Abraham-Hicks-Network-Marketing-Business-Training-150x150My Emotions &  My Home Based Business?

Do you know what a GPS is?  All I know is, it’s an automatic device which tells me where to go in my car when I plug in my destination.  I don’t know how it works and I don’t know how my car works either, I just know that if I tell the GPS (Global Positioning System) where I want to go, it tells me when I am going in the wrong direction and then adjusts to tell me how to get back on track to my destination. (more…)

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Do You Know That Paying It Forward Is Your Formula To Freedom?

Paying It ForwardWhen I was a young adult, all I dreamt about was getting married, having a nice house, a child, a dog, and a great job.  You know, I thought that was the “great American dream”! 🙄  When I had all of that, I found myself in Survival mode!  We barely got by and each day was exactly the same! (more…)
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