Tag Archive | "entrepreneur"

Why I Became An Entrepreneur – To Be A Better Mom

Ever Wonder How People Become Entrepreneurs? I did!  Ever since I was young, I always wondered why some people could spend time with their children, travel the world, and have the freedom to do “what they wanted, when they wanted”.   🙄 Go To School, Get A Good Job 

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Don’t Quit On Your New Year’s Resolutions

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How Are Your New Year’s Resolutions Going? According to the University of Scranton, Journal of Clinical Psychology, only about 8% of people who make a New Year’s Resolution, are successful in keeping them.   😥 Why Do 92% Fail To Keep Their Resolutions? Resolutions are hard to keep because they require us to change our […]

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The End Of The Industrial Age, Are You Prepared?

Seth Godin’s Predictions For 2012 According to Seth Godin in an interview on “The Hour”, we are at the end of the Industrial Age, and most people are totally unprepared for the changes which will take place in 2012!  😯 Security and “Doing What You Are Told” Is Over

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Are You Willing To Become A Spiritual Entrepreneur?

Leaving The Shore When I first started my home based business, I was looking for a way to make some extra income and I thought maybe I could learn how to make a full-time income so I could stay at home with my 8 year old son.  That was it!  That was my entire reason […]

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How A Legitimate Home Business Can Become Your Legacy…

What Is Your Personal Legacy? Have you ever thought about what your personal legacy will be?  How about when you and your significant other are in your 90s, what will you look back on and say about what you contributed in your lifetime?  Have you ever thought about what people will say about you in […]

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