Tag Archive | "entrepreneur"

Are You Ready For A Breakthrough? It May Look Like Chaos!

Do You Have Some Chaos In Your Life? That can be a very good sign!  Really!   😆  Have you ever heard of anyone who has gone through a massive transformation in their life without having some chaos first?   😀 Chaos And Dark Times Can Be Catalysts

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How A Home Based Business Can Eliminate Stress During The Holidays

Are You A Scrooge During The Holidays? Are you wondering how you are going to get everything done this holiday season?  Does that stress you out or do you become a Scrooge during this time of year?  I used to be so stressed when I was working 14 hrs/day in the corporate world and I […]

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A New World Is Emerging – People Working Together

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The Greatest Time In History Do you feel it?  Everything is Changing at the same time!  Climate changes, economic changes, social changes… whew!  😮 It can be overwhelming, however, it’s also the greatest time for opportunity. 😆 The World Is Flat? Remember reading about the times before Christopher Columbus discovered America?  When people really believed […]

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The Greatest Gift You Can Give To Yourself

Are You Stressed During The Holidays? How are you feeling during this time of year?  Are you stressed out because there are only a few shopping days left before Christmas?  Are you thinking, I can’t believe it’s the end of this year?  Are you worried about the future? Take Time For Yourself

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Why Your Right Brain Is Crucial To Your Future

I remember being in a hotel room flipping through the channels and I saw a program which intrigued me. It was called “A Whole New Mind” by Daniel Pink and I decided to pay a minimal fee to watch it.  I was literally glued to the television set and I watched it more than once! […]

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