Tag Archive | "network marketing business training"

The Law Of Attraction & Quantum Physics

When the movie “The Secret” came out, it was a huge hit and everyone was talking about it, even Oprah.  It was about the Law Of Attraction, which states that our thoughts create what we attract into our lives each and everyday.  It also states that we can create the lives we want to create […]

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Would You Like To Be A Great Communicator?

Have You Ever Miscommunicated With Someone? I sure have!  I used to wonder how come we were all on the same conference call and 5 people heard totally different things on the same call!  I was baffled. 😯  I really thought how come they didn’t hear what the speaker said?  Duh! I had no clue! […]

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Did You Know Your Human Emotions Can Guide You Like A GPS?

My Emotions &  My Home Based Business? Do you know what a GPS is?  All I know is, it’s an automatic device which tells me where to go in my car when I plug in my destination.  I don’t know how it works and I don’t know how my car works either, I just know […]

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Do You Know That Paying It Forward Is Your Formula To Freedom?

When I was a young adult, all I dreamt about was getting married, having a nice house, a child, a dog, and a great job.  You know, I thought that was the “great American dream”! 🙄  When I had all of that, I found myself in Survival mode!  We barely got by and each day was exactly […]

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How Does Synchronicity Relate To Success In Business?

Synchronicity and Success Have you heard of the term synchronicity?  Do you know that it can affect the path of your home business and your life?  Deepak Chopra describes synchronicity as meaningful coincidences which shape the course of our lives.  Have you ever thought of someone and then the phone rings and it’s that someone […]

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