My Emotions & My Home Based Business? Do you know what a GPS is? All I know is, it’s an automatic device which tells me where to go in my car when I plug in my destination. I don’t know how it works and I don’t know how my car works either, I just know […]
Continue reading...Do You Have Freedom? When I talk to people today, the number one thing they are looking for is “Freedom“. They are tired of working for someone else and having only enough money to “get by”. They want to “do what they want, when they want to do it, and they don’t want to worry […]
Continue reading...Cooperation or Competition? Which feels better? Cooperating with someone or being in competition with them? Pretty simple answer right? If cooperation feels so much better than competition, why do we compete? 🙄 Social Conditioning
Continue reading...Are You A Scrooge During The Holidays? Are you wondering how you are going to get everything done this holiday season? Does that stress you out or do you become a Scrooge during this time of year? I used to be so stressed when I was working 14 hrs/day in the corporate world and I […]
Continue reading...My Network Marketing Business & Personal Growth Are you ready to accelerate your personal growth and move to the next exciting level in your life? If you are ready say “I’m Ready!”. 😆 Right after I would get asked this question, I would say “Yes, I’m ready!” and I would make my new […]
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