Working Hard At The Job In 1995, I was working 14 hrs/day in the corporate world and though I enjoyed my job, I missed being with my son and in my heart, I knew I was doing something wrong. I wanted to be a mother and yet I knew I had to bring home income […]
Continue reading...New Rules About Money Did you know all of the rules about money you were taught in school have all changed? They are now very destructive myths and can actually be dangerous according to the world’s top personal financial educator, Robert Kiyosaki. Changed My Beliefs About Money When I started my home based network marketing […]
Continue reading...Ever Wonder How People Become Entrepreneurs? I did! Ever since I was young, I always wondered why some people could spend time with their children, travel the world, and have the freedom to do “what they wanted, when they wanted”. 🙄 Go To School, Get A Good Job
Continue reading...Working 40 Hours a Week for 40 Years – Security or Scam? I recently saw this posted thanks to Art Jonak: Beware of This Scam: It’s a program where you work your tail off for someone else for 40 hours a week, for 40 years, get a $40 gold watch and then try to live on […]
Continue reading...When I was a young adult, all I dreamt about was getting married, having a nice house, a child, a dog, and a great job. You know, I thought that was the “great American dream”! 🙄 When I had all of that, I found myself in Survival mode! We barely got by and each day was exactly […]
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