Tag Archive | "network marketing"

Inflation – Why Robert Kiyosaki Says Don’t Save Money

Why Are Prices Rising? Are prices really going up or is the value of our currency going down? Do you know why experts are saying it is very likely that the US will experience inflation and possibly hyperinflation? The Rules of Money Changed

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New Rules Of Money For Home Based Business – Robert Kiyosaki

Starting a home based network marketing business and succeeding as an entrepreneur can be difficult without the proper guidance and education.  Fortunately, when I started my home business in 1995, I started with a very reputable company and I had incredible mentors to follow.  They lead me through a step-by-step process to not only learn […]

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Is Social Media Marketing, Internet Marketing and Network Marketing Confusing?

Social Media Marketing, Internet Marketing, Network Marketing Are you confused and overwhelmed by all of the Web 2.0 marketing strategies?  I was when I started looking at social media marketing last year, it was very confusing to me.  I struggled to see how this new media would assist me in building my home based network […]

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Becoming A Good Leader Starts With Being A Good Follower

The Word “Leader”, Not What I Thought When I was young and working in the corporate world, I used to think the word “Leader” meant “the Boss”, and I saw it as the person with all of the “power” and authority.  As I climbed the corporate ladder, I soon learned it was not what I […]

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If You Could Rewind or Fast Forward Your Life, Would You?

Click, The Movie I just watched the movie “Click” starring Adam Sandler with my son.  We watched it before, however, this time we talked about having “regrets” in our lives and about missing special moments, past, present, and future.  I was like Adam Sandler’s character, Michael, where all I did was work at the job, […]

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