Tag Archive | "Personal Growth"

Our Deepest Fear – Marianne Williamson

What Is Your Deepest Fear? When I first started my home based business, I would have said my deepest fear is “failure”, or “rejection”. I remember being so scared to pick up the phone to call someone.  Then when the phone rang, I would hope no one would answer.  I was shaking! 😯  When they […]

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The Greatest Gift You Can Give To Yourself

Are You Stressed During The Holidays? How are you feeling during this time of year?  Are you stressed out because there are only a few shopping days left before Christmas?  Are you thinking, I can’t believe it’s the end of this year?  Are you worried about the future? Take Time For Yourself

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Do You Ever Feel Stuck In Your Personal Growth?

My Network Marketing Business & Personal Growth Are you ready to accelerate your personal growth and move to the next exciting level in your life?  If you are ready say “I’m Ready!”.   😆   Right after I would get asked this question, I would say “Yes, I’m ready!” and I would make my new […]

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Are You Happy & Fulfilled In Your Life?

As a young girl, I dreamt of getting married, having a house, a child, & a dog.  I really thought this was the “American dream”.  As I grew up, I realized I wanted a career also, so I could contribute to my family because the cost of living in Hawaii was very expensive.  To my […]

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What Is Personal Development or Personal Growth?

Never Thought I’d Be An Entrepreneur When I started my own home based network marketing business, I did not know anything about being an entrepreneur.  I was taught to have a job and “climb the corporate ladder”.  One of the things which was always emphasized to me by my mentors was “Kellie, you have to […]

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