Tag Archive | "Social networking"

How Social Networking Is Word Of Mouth Communication

Social Networking And Home Based Business Social Media isn’t a fad, it’s a fundamental shift in the way we communicate with each other.  When I was first introduced to social networking, I thought it was just for the “young” people and that it was just fun and games.  We have been in the home based […]

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Do You Believe In Cooperation Or Competition?

Cooperation or Competition? Which feels better?  Cooperating with someone or being in competition with them?  Pretty simple answer right?  If cooperation feels so much better than competition, why do we compete? 🙄 Social Conditioning

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Word of Mouth + Social Media = Exponential World of Mouth

Social Media – A Fundamental Shift In Communication Social Media is a fundamental shift in the way we communicate today.  Why? What’s your favorite restaurant?  What made you decide to try it the first time you ate there?   Loyalty & Trust About 20 years ago, we were looking for a good Japanese restaurant in our […]

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A New World Is Emerging – People Working Together

The Greatest Time In History Do you feel it?  Everything is Changing at the same time!  Climate changes, Economic changes, Social changes… whew! 😯   It can be overwhelming, however, it’s also the Greatest Time for Opportunity.  😆 The World Is Flat?

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