Have You Attended A Live Personal Growth Seminar? Many years ago I attended a seminar with Bob Proctor called the Science Of Getting Rich. One of my home based business mentors recommended Bob highly, so I decided to fly to the mainland and spend a weekend with Bob Proctor. I knew that if I wanted […]
Continue reading...During the beginning of my home based network marketing business career, I was taught to “Work Harder On Yourself, Than You Do On Your Job” by Jim Rohn. I really didn’t understand what that meant until I started to study books, tapes, CDs, and DVDs on Personal Development. Laws Of The Universe Once I started […]
Continue reading...When I was young, my mother used to say “when you get older, the years go by faster”. I must say she was right! 🙂 Or at least it seems to go faster. Well, it’s January, and the holidays are now officially over. It’s the time of year when most people reflect on the last […]
Continue reading...Welcome back to part 4 of “What Is Spiritual Awakening & How Does It Relate To My Business?”. If you haven’t read parts 1, 2, and 3, please click on this “part 1 link”, “part 2 link“ and “part 3 link”. Please read these first, so the pieces of this puzzle will start to fit together very nicely, and […]
Continue reading...When the movie “The Secret” came out, it was a huge hit and everyone was talking about it, even Oprah. It was about the Law Of Attraction, which states that our thoughts create what we attract into our lives each and everyday. It also states that we can create the lives we want to create […]
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