Tag Archive | "the secret"

The Law Of Attraction & Quantum Physics

When the movie “The Secret” came out, it was a huge hit and everyone was talking about it, even Oprah.  It was about the Law Of Attraction, which states that our thoughts create what we attract into our lives each and everyday.  It also states that we can create the lives we want to create […]

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Did You Know Your Human Emotions Can Guide You Like A GPS?

My Emotions &  My Home Based Business? Do you know what a GPS is?  All I know is, it’s an automatic device which tells me where to go in my car when I plug in my destination.  I don’t know how it works and I don’t know how my car works either, I just know […]

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Change Your Perspective, Change Your Life

What If Everything Was The Opposite Of What You Thought? Look at the video below.  Is the lady moving her foot to the right or to the left?  Look closely, what do you see? Interesting huh?  Some people say if you see her foot moving to the right, then you are dominantly “right brained” (creative, […]

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What Is “Spiritual Awakening” & How Does It Relate To My Business? – pt. 4

Welcome back to part 4 of “What Is Spiritual Awakening & How Does It Relate To My Business?”.  If you haven’t read parts 1, 2, and 3, please click on this “part 1 link”, “part 2 link“ and “part 3 link”.  Please read these first, so the pieces of this puzzle will start to fit together very nicely, and […]

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Your Body’s Level Of Vibration Determines Your Experiences In Your Life

Do You Know What Frequency You Vibrate At? Sounds like a strange question huh?  Have you heard of quantum physics?  It’s a science which explains what really happens at the “micro” level of everything.  For example, if we took a layer of your skin and placed it under an microscope, we could see the cells […]

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