Are You Happy & Fulfilled In Your Life?

Happy Face RedAs a young girl, I dreamt of getting married, having a house, a child, & a dog.  I really thought this was the “American dream”.  As I grew up, I realized I wanted a career also, so I could contribute to my family because the cost of living in Hawaii was very expensive.  To my dismay, after working in the corporate world for 13 years, I realized…I got married to the best guy, I had the best son, the house, and even the dog, however, I didn’t spend any time with them because all I did was work at the job!  So I wasn’t Happy, I wasn’t Successful, I wasn’t Grateful, and I wasn’t Fulfilled.  I was Loved by others, but not by myself.

Then I discovered the Home Based Business industry and I became successful pretty quickly, however, I was still not totally Happy, not feeling Successful, somewhat Grateful, not Fulfilled and still did not love myself.  So why not? 🙄   I soon realized that being successful is much more than just finances or status.  In the corporate world, most people measure success by your title and your income level, so we all learn to measure our own success this way.  Well, in our own Home Based Business, we are the CEOs of our business and I soon discovered that being a Successful Entrepreneur meant much more than titles and money.

There are many lessons to learn along the journey of our lives, however, I started to think about those internal questions like: “What is my purpose while I am here on earth?  Who am I really?  Am I more than my human body?”  I started to explore questions like this and found other questions like: “Am I a human being having a spiritual experience or am I a spiritual being having a human experience?”  As I searched, I discovered natural laws like the Law Of Attraction and movies like the Secret.  I learned that Quantum Physics was a science that proved that our physical form was just an illusion, and that everything was made up of energy.   If everything is just vibrations of energy, then the law of attraction is simple to understand.  So if we are just vibrations of energy and we can attract anything we want into our lives, why don’t we do that? 😕

I then stumbled upon the teachings of Abraham-Hicks, and although I didn’t understand what channeling was at the time, I just listened to their message.  They basically said that we are spiritual beings having a human experience; that we have access to attracting anything or anybody into our lives because we are “energy”, and we attract other energy waves which match our vibrations.  Therefore, if we are happy, we will attract happiness into our life.  If we are grateful, we will attract gratitude into our life.  If we are loving, we will attract love into our life.  We attract into our life the very people or things that reflect our own vibrations!  Wow, that was an “eye opener” for me. 😯   And once I decided to change myself (and I continue this process daily), everything in my life changed!

Please view this Abraham-Hicks video clip and you will feel great after taking in their message:

So how do you feel?  Wasn’t that empowering?  Once you are living your truth and your purpose in life, you will discover all the Happiness, Joy, Peace, Love, Success, Gratitude and Fulfillment in your heart.  And it really sets you free as you follow teachings like Abraham to assist you on your life’s journey.
We hope you gained some insight from this post on true happiness and fulfillment in your life.  If you liked it, may we ask you to share by clicking the “f share” button at the top of the article, or “retweet” this post on Twitter?  Also, we would love to have you comment at the end of the article.  We love to hear from all of you.  It inspires me. 😀
Sending you a lot of “Aloha” (love) & “Mahalo” (thank you) for being a part of our “Ohana” (family)!
Kellie Hosaka :0)

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30 Comments For This Post

  1. GigiNJones Says:


    Everything happens in a perfect time and space! Thank you for delivering this message to me today :). I feel so exhilarated knowing that I am in this very process you described. I am growing, connecting with my higher self, and gaining valuable lessons through this willingness to seek the answers to these questions. What a great journey!

    Blessings <3

  2. Kellie Hosaka Says:

    Aloha Gigi,
    Glad this was perfect for you! Yes, when the student is ready, the teacher will appear…everywhere! It’s a fascinating journey. Welcome aboard! 🙂

  3. Annette Morris Keane Says:

    Kellie-a great message to start the day with! Thanks so much – and also for the fantastic uplifting call last night. Firing on all cylinders today! 😉 xx

  4. Kellie Hosaka Says:

    Thank you Annette! Glad you enjoyed our call as much as I did! Ireland is so fortunate to have a Leader like yourself. Aloha 🙂

  5. Orli Says:

    Kellie thank u for this great post – amazing how easy it is to forget this important messege! Thanku for reminding us 🙂

  6. Kellie Hosaka Says:

    Aloha Orli,
    So great to see you on our blog! I am so happy you resonated with our post. Please come back and visit often. Aloha 🙂

  7. Shannon Tecson Says:

    The Law of Vibration is such an amazing law. I appreciate the fact that when I’m happy and grateful, I attract happy and grateful people. I am now aware that when I’m not happy nor grateful, I begin to see the world as how I’m feeling inside. Not a place I desire to be. 🙁
    So if this is the case, then I AM empowered to honor my emotions within with the ability to change anytime I choose.
    This post has made it’s way to me at such an appropriate timing, as I experience my own learning curves with vibration and energy, and how it affects my whole life and business. Truly fascinating 🙂

    Thank you Kellie for sharing..
    I love the revisit to the Rampage of Invincibility.
    .-= Shannon Tecson´s last blog ..The Millionaires Journey: Monitor What You Say =-.

  8. Kellie Hosaka Says:

    Aloha Shannon,
    Yes, vibration is everything isn’t it and the Abraham-Hicks teachings have been so vital to our learning. Thank you for always being willing to look even further… Aloha 🙂

  9. Lisa Arnold Says:

    Great post Kellie! The video was empowering and you were right: I felt better after watching it! Thanks for continuing to share your journey with us. It truly helps.

    Many Thanks,

  10. Kellie Hosaka Says:

    Aloha Lisa,
    I am so glad you tried it Lisa and you felt better. Isn’t Abraham incredible? Talk to you soon Lisa,
    Aloha 🙂

  11. Val Wilcox Says:

    I love all the information you brought together here. There are so many aspects to living a fulfilled life that only exploring one viewpoint won’t bring balance. I’ve read alittle about these quantum physiscs ideas and totally resonate with them.

    Thanks for the great share, you are an awesome person!
    Val 🙂
    .-= Val Wilcox´s last blog ..Everyone Has A Dream =-.

  12. Kellie Hosaka Says:

    Thank you Val! I really appreciate your comments. I love quantum physics and the law of attraction. It’s a very cool science and law.
    You are an awesome person too! You know the law of attraction says if you think someone is awesome, and you make it known to the Universe, as you have in writing…that is a true reflection of who you are! Cool huh? That’s why like attracts like!
    Much love & aloha Val,
    Kellie 🙂

  13. Glyna Humm Says:

    You make such a great point Kellie – We are the CEO’s of our business and our lives! True happiness can only come when we truly appreciate the life we already have:)
    .-= Glyna Humm´s last blog ..Celebrate the Small Stuff! The Secret to Your Home Business Goals! =-.

  14. Kellie Hosaka Says:

    Aloha Glyna,
    So wonderful to see you again! I am so happy you enjoyed our post.
    Aloha 🙂

  15. Cheryl Tateishi Says:

    Awesome post Kellie! Powerful message on purpose! I knew there was more to life when I was younger and through my home based business (Herbalife) I found it because how this business made me “FEEL”.

  16. Kellie Hosaka Says:

    Thank you for your comments Cheryl! I am so happy you found a Home Based Business which makes you Feel Good. 🙂

  17. Julianna Brower Says:

    I got a lot out of this video! I found it to be very empowering. It is hard as a woman to catch all those dreams, the house, family, dog, and career. The home based business industry has been a blesing to me as well!
    .-= Julianna Brower´s last blog ..The Empowered Tribe- Social Proof =-.

  18. Kellie Hosaka Says:

    Aloha Julianna,
    We’re so glad you loved the Abraham video! It’s so powerful!
    Thank you for your comments. Aloha 🙂

  19. Melissa Wright Says:

    Kelly, I love watching the videos that you post! I love when she talked about getting on the river where ever you are and not worrying about how far you have made it. It really helps to just think that just being on the river flowing towards what you have become is enough. I have been learning a lot from Marie Forleo about living in the moment and being happy with exactly where you are because it is exactly where you are meant to be. This video really helps to clarify and support what I have been learning.

    Thanks you so much for sharing this video. I am so glad that you had the courage and determination to get on your path of becoming who you are and I am so grateful that our paths have crossed! You brighten up my day every Tuesday without fail!
    .-= Melissa Wright´s last blog ..Google Reader Can Save Your Life … Or At Least A Few Hours! =-.

  20. Kellie Hosaka Says:

    Thank you Melissa for you kind comments! I am so happy you loved the video. Is this your first experience with Abraham-Hicks? You’ll find that the truth is the truth and when you hear it, it will resonate with you and you just feel it!
    Believe me Melissa, You make Tribe Tuesdays so fantastic! Please know the way the law of attraction and quantum physics proves, it’s actually both of us because like attracts like and when you show someone appreciation and gratitude, it really is a reflection on You too! That’s why You are who you hang around with!
    You make me Smile everytime I see you on my blog post!
    With love & appreciation,
    Kellie 🙂

  21. Jodi Lee Says:

    This is a sensational post, Kellie! Buried in there is the quest for balance – something I am constantly striving for. Cause I want it all, too!!
    .-= Jodi Lee´s last blog ..Can you recognize what makes you happy? =-.

  22. Kellie Hosaka Says:

    Thank you Jodi! I really appreciate your comments. And please give yourself a break…your children are little yet! I promise, it gets easier as they get older! Aloha 🙂

  23. Venus :) Says:


    Thank you for the important question you are asking. It is great for all of us to stop and ask ourselves – are we happy and satisfied and then be happy and satisfied. It is only our choice. It is only up to us.
    Venus 🙂
    .-= Venus :)´s last blog ..The Law of Laws (part 4) =-.

  24. Kellie Hosaka Says:

    Mahalo (thank you) Venus! I know you know exactly what this post is all about. Thank you for your comments. Aloha 🙂

  25. Sandy Abrams Says:

    Well Kellie! A big aloha and mahalo! Your post helped remind me to get back on the path that I know is the best way to go. I’ve not been keeping my thoughts where they need to be and I need the reminders. Funny how we get what we need!

    Is that Ester Hicks in the video? it was very powerful.

    Thanks again,
    .-= Sandy Abrams´s last blog ..WOMEN’S NUTRITION – SCIENCE – NOT “SECRETS” =-.

  26. Kellie Hosaka Says:

    Yes, Sandy it is Esther Hicks in the video. They are so good! I am so happy we were able to assist you today as you did for us yesterday! Teamwork makes the Dream Work! Thank you for your comments! Aloha<3

  27. Debra Agoo Says:

    Wow,Kellie…watching that was like a splash of cold water on my face. I could feel her and although I couldn’t understand everything that flowed from her, I so reasonate with where she was going. Very exhilarating. We are all on this quest for fulfillment, joy, purpose and completeness. My place is to be in gratitude always for where I am right now and to appreciate that I am a creator. Before, I used to believe that my cards were dealt and I had to take whatever life threw at me. I certainly didn’t know I could attract to me what I want by my vibration. It’s seems so simple: Whatever we want more of, happiness, money, love, relationships…we must BE it first, DO or GIVE what it is we desire, even before we HAVE. Thanks for this post…talk about expansion..:)

  28. Kellie Hosaka Says:

    Great to see you here Debra! Glad you enjoyed Abraham’s video! Incredible huh? And yes, it is that simple. Be Happy and Give Happiness to everyone around you!

    Kellie 🙂

  29. Nick Logan Says:

    I love what Abraham says about not knowing how or why things are going to come to us. Giving birth to an idea and having faith! So huge. I have experienced this and I know it’s true. The journey looks nothing like I thought it was going to. It is so much better. I’ve never seen Abraham before…Thanks for the introduction
    .-= Nick Logan´s last blog ..By: David Merrill =-.

  30. Kellie Hosaka Says:

    So great to see you on our blog Nick! I am glad we introduced you to Abraham-hicks. They are so wonderful and so full of truth.
    Yes, trust the journey, it’s always better than we can ever imagine.
    Thank you Nick! Aloha 🙂

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