How To Become A Successful Leader In Your Niche

Successful-Leader-In-Niche-150x150Leadership Was Intimidating

The word “Leader” used to intimidate me.   I used to think I could never be a leader because I didn’t have the skills and I was pretty shy.  In my past jobs, I  always liked to work in the “back office”, behind the scenes where I didn’t have to see the customer or talk to them.  So when I started my home based network marketing business, I didn’t think I would be very good at it.  What I did know, was that I had to find a way to work at home, earn decent money, and be home with my son. (more…)

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Your Closest Friends Affect Your Income And Your Happiness

Did You Know The 5 People Closest To You Affect Your Income?

Have you heard this before?  Write down the 5 people who influence you the most in your life.  The people who you go to when you have a challenge, your family or friends who you love to “hang out” with.  The people whose opinion matters to you, and the people whose approval you are looking for?

Now that you have listed your 5 people, write down their incomes.  It might look like this: (more…)

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Are You Giving Your Body The Proper Nutrition? Food Matters

Husky Girl

Ever since I was 8 years old, I have struggled with a weight problem.  I had become “husky” as my well-meaning family affectionately called me.  I started to diet and watch my calories.  I soon became aware of what I was suppose to eat and what I was not suppose to eat.  I seemed to eat less and less, and still I would gain weight.  I also started to have health challenges along the way.

Lack of Proper Nutrition

I never really thought I wasn’t getting proper nutrition, because I ate a lot of low calorie foods and a lot of fruits and vegetables.  What I didn’t realize was I was starving myself and my body had gone into the “survival” mode!  I started to exercise like crazy and I only got bigger. 😥  Hmmm, I didn’t know what to do.

Proper Nutritional Supplementation


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The Law Of Attraction & Quantum Physics

Shinny-brain-150x150When the movie “The Secret” came out, it was a huge hit and everyone was talking about it, even Oprah.  It was about the Law Of Attraction, which states that our thoughts create what we attract into our lives each and everyday.  It also states that we can create the lives we want to create once we master our thoughts.  Hmmm… sounds good, however, my next question was how do I master my thoughts?

The Things In My Life Changed


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No More Heart Disease – Dr. Louis Ignarro

ignarro_nobel-150x107Dr. Louis Ignarro – No More Heart Disease

One of my friends, Kara Grabenhorst, recently posted an article on her Facebook page titled “Doctor exhorts women to take charge of heart health”.  She also stated that heart disease is the #1 killer of woman.  Wow, that’s alarming and yet I shouldn’t be surprised.

After reading her post, I was inspired to write about Dr. Louis Ignarro (click to go to his website), who won the Nobel Prize for the discovery of Nitric Oxide (NO).  Since his discovery, he has been spreading the good news about heart disease.  He says “you can reduce the risk or prevent heart disease through my NO-boosting regimen“.

Here’s an article written by Dr. Louis Ignarro titled


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