My Emotions & My Home Based Business? Do you know what a GPS is? All I know is, it’s an automatic device which tells me where to go in my car when I plug in my destination. I don’t know how it works and I don’t know how my car works either, I just know […]
Continue reading...What If Everything Was The Opposite Of What You Thought? Look at the video below. Is the lady moving her foot to the right or to the left? Look closely, what do you see? Interesting huh? Some people say if you see her foot moving to the right, then you are dominantly “right brained” (creative, […]
Continue reading...Do You Know What Frequency You Vibrate At? Sounds like a strange question huh? Have you heard of quantum physics? It’s a science which explains what really happens at the “micro” level of everything. For example, if we took a layer of your skin and placed it under an microscope, we could see the cells […]
Continue reading...As a young girl, I dreamt of getting married, having a house, a child, & a dog. I really thought this was the “American dream”. As I grew up, I realized I wanted a career also, so I could contribute to my family because the cost of living in Hawaii was very expensive. To my […]
Continue reading...“Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one” Did you ever wonder why Albert Einstein said this? I didn’t understand it until I started to study Quantum Physics. Then this statement interested me because if reality is an illusion, then what is real? 🙄 What Is Quantum Physics?
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