Why Your Right Brain Is Crucial To Your Future

I remember being in a hotel room flipping through the channels and I saw a program which intrigued me. It was called “A Whole New Mind” by Daniel Pink and I decided to pay a minimal fee to watch it.  I was literally glued to the television set and I watched it more than once!  It was about moving from the Information Age which valued logical, precise left-brained thinking, to the Conceptual Age which values empathy, emotion and artistry.  Daniel said that right-brainers will rule the future.  This was back in 2005, and we had been in the home based business industry at that time for 10 years, however, even we could feel that things were changing, and changing rapidly.

I was intrigued by Daniel’s different perspective and admired his shift from being an educated lawyer, to a best selling author who has incredible vision and foresight.   He explained that we have valued the left brain in the past and now things have shifted.  Any logical task can now be done by computers or outsourcing, however, the conceptual creative thinking which can only be accomplished by the right-brainers, will now rule the world!  You can see this happening today as outsourcing has become so commonplace, and one computer today can do what it used to take a factory of workers to do.

In 2008, Daniel Pink was the Minneapolis College of Art & Design’s (MCAD) commencement speaker and in his speech, he emphasizes to the graduating class that there are 3 very important secrets they should know about the “real” world.  First, there is no plan, he said.  Life is not like an algebra problem.  Make your decisions for fundamental reasons which will lead to intrinsic motivation.  That means you make decisions because you want to do it, because it’s inherently valuable, and because it’s “who you are”. Daniel insisted that they don’t make decisions on extrinsic motivation, like taking a job just because it pays well, or because it might lead to the next position.

His second secret was that Persistence always trumps Talent.  In other words, if you keep on persisting with something you are passionate about and you were meant to do it, then keep on doing it until… Hmmm..now that sounds familiar doesn’t it? 😛   Daniel says there are many talented people out there who are not successful because they didn’t persist and put the time and effort into something.

His last secret was “It’s Not About You” and then he said it again “It’s Not About You”.  The people who are truly successful, satisfied, happy, and fulfilled are always part of something bigger than themselves.  They are part of a “bigger mission” which helps people by truly “giving”.

It’s so interesting to me as I look back on my journey in the home business industry.  Back in 1995, there was no internet yet, and everything we did was on the phone which costs $.25/minute to call long distance in the US and outside of the US, it was ridiculous to call, I think it was about $5.00/minute!  I believe we were all still doing business using mostly the left brain, because the emphasis was that it was a numbers game.  My analytical, logical left brain liked the numbers game, because you can always figure out the formula to win.  By the way, I majored in Business Economics and Statistics in college, so you can see how left brained I was! 😕   The formula worked in our business, however, after a while, my “heart” felt that I was not caring enough about the person who either bought our product, or came into our business.  If it was a numbers game, how could we take care of all of them?  How could we really have a relationship with all of them?  This was a sign to me that I was changing, however, what I realized when I saw Daniel Pink’s program that night, was that the whole world was changing, therefore developing our right-brain would now become crucial to our future.  Wow, the light bulb went off in me! 😯  I was so excited because the part of me that was yearning to be “awakened”, now had a reason to expand!  This discovery lead me down another road, which I will expand on in future posts.  You can now see it is very crucial for all of us to open our minds, thus the saying “be open to everything and attached to nothing”.

Here is the MCAD Commencement Speech by Daniel Pink for your enjoyment and your enlightenment:

So you may want to ask yourself a few questions: 1) Can someone overseas do my job at a cheaper rate?; 2) Can a computer do it faster?; 3) Does what you offer satisfy the growing emotional and spiritual demands of the people?

We hope this assisted you today.  May we humbly ask if you liked it, to click the “f share” button at the top of the article, to share on Facebook or “retweet” on Twitter?  Also, we would love to have you comment at the end of this article as we would like to connect with you on our blog.

Sending you a lot of “Aloha” (love) & “Mahalo” (thank you) for being a part of our “Ohana” (family)!

Kellie Hosaka 😀

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38 Comments For This Post

  1. GigiNJones Says:

    Hi Kellie,
    This one hits so close to home. Talk about a shift in thinking! I am so grateful to be able to now embrace these changes. It truly feels freeing. I am speechless. And so amazed of how my life changed.

    Thanks again,

  2. Kellie Says:

    Thank you Gigi! I am so glad you loved this and that it hit home for you. You are growing and it shows. Aloha 🙂

  3. Shannon Tecson Says:

    Incredible post Kellie!
    I love the fact that persistence trumps talent. We were all very aware of this type of outsourcing years before it happened. I’m laughing at myself because for many years I considered myself to be talented! LOL..not talented enough though. Then I accepted that it isn’t about me and that I do belong to a mission that is bigger than me. I can see this struggle with left brain operations with someone very close to me. I am grateful for being led onto this path of intuition, creativity and spontaniety. All of the right brain essences certainly resonate with me.

    Thank you for sharing Kellie! 🙂
    .-= Shannon Tecson´s last blog ..The Two-Minute Warning =-.

  4. Kellie Says:

    Yes, it’s it cool Shannon, persistence does always trump talent. I definitely fall into that category! The right brainers have emerged.
    Aloha 🙂

  5. Annette Morris Keane Says:

    LOL! Kellie – as you can imagine – I loved reading this! As a person who’s left brain struggles to even get its engines going in the morning I have been concerned for years about how to reach my full potential with so little practical and logical aspects to my way of thinking. So I did the clever thing – I married a left brainer! 😉 LOL! Reckon this and the O.C.H.D. (Obsessive Compulsive Herbalife Disorder!) is a good recipe for success don’t ya think! 😉 On a serious note this is so comforting – I have as I know that over the years when I trusted my instincts and intuition it always lead me down the right path-and it was only when I was asked to use my head and not my heart that things got very confusing. It is good to have my beliefs re-affirmed – our hearts are more intelligent than any other part of us.
    Thanks Kellie! xx

  6. Kellie Says:

    You are so cleaver Annette..marry a left brainer to compliment you! How wonderful and your teamwork is apparent! So much wonderful synergy.
    I am so happy you loved the post. Our hearts do lead, and if you jump in with your heart, your mind will follow.
    Kellie 🙂

  7. Val Wilcox Says:

    Some very good points about giving more value brings more back to you. I’ve also seen this occur. The way to achieve your dreams to to assist others in reaching theirs.
    Wonderful post,
    .-= Val Wilcox´s last blog ..Can You Hear Me Now? =-.

  8. Kellie Says:

    Mahalo (thank you) Val! I love it when you comment on my blog! Yes, the way to your dreams is to assist others to reach theirs.
    Aloha 🙂

  9. Kimberly Castleberry Says:

    Success comes when we value both (and by that I mean ALL) of our components. Just like so many other things, we have to apply both sides of our brain to achieve the success we want. I have a favorite expression that is “Lead with your Heart, and Follow with your Head”. It reminds me to always be heart-forward with those who look up to me for guidance… and also to look at the facts when I chose who and/or what to follow. For me this has been a balance that has been instrumental in keeping me in my heart for the most important task we have… connecting with those open to connecting with us! You’re so incredibly right though that we’re moving into a right-brain important era. Today data, facts, figures, and man-hours are cheap and outsource-able and everyone has plenty at their disposal. What not everyone has though is the heart to be real, genuine and compassionate. That’s our task, what we’re called to do, get out there and lead with our hearts. I’m glad your in the journey with me!
    .-= Kimberly Castleberry´s last blog ..Social Bookmarking Automation How-To: Onlywire =-.

  10. Kellie Says:

    Aloha Kimberly,
    I am so glad I’m on the journey with you also. You are such an incredibly special person and such a good friend. I love your perspective on applying both sides of your brain, and you have definitely shown balance in this.
    It is an interesting time as things keep on changing, however, one thing’s for sure, leading with our hearts and being authentic is definitely one of the changes coming of age.
    Thank you so much for your insight on this topic. I really appreciate your comments and thank you for being such a giving person.
    Much love & aloha,
    Kellie 🙂

  11. Donna Merrill Says:

    I had to chuckle to myself as I read this great post. Being an Intuitive, I usually make my decisions intuitively, then find out later why I did. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t make choices until I have a little bit of left brain facts. But every time I make choices, especially business ones, they always work out better than I knew in the first place.
    Because I’m a Libra, I NEED balance, so I’ve learned to make choices and take action that way. I personally have more trust in my intuition and live by it.
    I can see so much humor in the reactions of people around me when they say “are you crazy?” I just say, yea…maybe I am. Then at a later time when things prove to be great, they are all surprised. I love human reactions! I must add here that it takes a good sense of humor also. The universe has so many variables going on at one time, that we must laugh at the “judgemental ones” tee hee! Thanks for this great post. Donna

  12. Kellie Says:

    Mahalo (thank you) Donna! I love people who trust their intuition even when they don’t have the facts. It’s that “gut” feeling that everyone has, trusting it is the key.
    Congratulations on trusting your intuition Donna! It’s so cool that you have lived knowing this.
    Aloha 🙂

  13. Melissa Wright Says:

    I can see why you were glued to the television. Daniel definitely has an interesting perspective on how the world works. I love his advice to do things because you see value in it and because it is who you are, not because you think it will land you a certain position or make you a certain amount of money.

    I think this is one of the biggest reasons that so many people fail in Network Marketing businesses. They are only doing it because they see the $$$ and are only doing it for what they can get.

    To be successful in Network Marketing you have to see that there is value in what you are doing, and it has to fit who you are.

    Thanks for sharing the video Kellie! Great post!
    .-= Melissa Wright´s last blog ..How to Start a Blog (Part 3) =-.

  14. Kellie Says:

    Thank you for your comments Melissa! It always makes me smile to see you beautiful picture on our blog. 🙂
    Glad you liked Daniel Pink and his perspective. It’s such a great time to be living and experiencing the “shift” in consciousness.
    Aloha 🙂

  15. Dr Linda Douglas Says:


    Your sharing of Daniel’s thoughts and video are so in touch with the moment!

    There is such an “Awareness of being” happening as the earth’s energy is clarifying and ascending and with each view of your wonderful blog post…
    the expansion increases even more!

    Thank-you SO much for your Light and Guidance.

    Abundant blessings to You!

    .-= Dr Linda Douglas´s last blog ..ARE YOU RUNNING ON EMPTY? – PART 1 =-.

  16. Kellie Says:

    Mahalo (thank you) Linda for your very kind comments. It means so much coming from someone who has great wisdom as yourself.
    And yes, it’s such a fascinating time to be alive to experience the changes all around us. Consciousness is expanding and so are we.
    Much love & aloha,
    Kellie 🙂

  17. Lisa Arnold Says:

    Very interesting post Kellie. It’s exciting to think about the shift happening. As you said, it is cruical for us to open our minds right now! Thank you for helping me do that through your knowledgeable posts.

  18. Kellie Hosaka Says:

    I am so happy your are gaining a lot from our blog. It inspires me so much to see you and others enjoying and learning from our posts. Thank you also for always letting me know how our posts affect you. It really means the world to me.
    Kellie 🙂

  19. Venus :) Says:


    This is to true. A great reason to awaken. Many are not seeing it yet, but all the so called ‘problems’ in the economy are created because of the erroneous approach of doing it ‘logically’. Conventionalism. BUt the era of awakening is upon us and we are moving in the direction of using our right brains more and more.

    Venus 🙂
    .-= Venus :)´s last blog ..The Law Of Laws (part 3) =-.

  20. Kellie Hosaka Says:

    Mahalo (thank you) Venus! I love your “awakened” perspective.
    Aloha 🙂

  21. Scott Scales Says:

    —- His second secret was that Persistence always trumps Talent. In other words, if you keep on persisting with something you are passionate about and you were meant to do it, then keep on doing it until… Hmmm..now that sounds familiar doesn’t it? 😛 Daniel says there are many talented people out there who are not successful because they didn’t persist and put the time and effort into something.

    This to me is the the key to finding real success. Thanks for sharing.
    .-= Scott Scales´s last blog ..5 Questions You Can Ask To See If You Are Serious About Your Business =-.

  22. Kellie Hosaka Says:

    Thanks Scott! I totally agree with you on Persistence. If you hang around the flagpole long enough….Aloha 🙂

  23. Glyna Humm Says:

    Kellie – Great article – ways of doing business are changing – it is all about relationships. It goes hand in hand with our tribe responsibilties too:)
    .-= Glyna Humm´s last blog ..Show Us Your Bright Shining Faces! – A MUST For Online Marketing =-.

  24. Kellie Hosaka Says:

    Thank you Glyna for you comments. Aloha 🙂

  25. Jodi Lee Says:

    Wow, Kellie, that video is AMAZING! What a great post. I love the idea that my lack of talent is a GOOD thing!
    .-= Jodi Lee´s last blog ..lessons from the un-school =-.

  26. Kellie Hosaka Says:

    There you go again Jodi…being funny!! 😉 You are too cute. Thank you for your kind comment. Aloha 🙂

  27. Michaelé Harrington Says:

    Hi Kellie,

    Thanks for sharing Daniel’s program as it’s definitely got me thinking.

    I think I was a lot more ‘left brain heavy’ when I was younger but like most people, things shift as we get older.
    Technology has certainly played a big part in this as although technology itself can require the left brain, its also removed a lot of my previous left brain tasks.

    I’m definitely outsourcing more and more now as I realize I’m mostly more comfortable operating from my right brain so to speak.

    We live in such incredible changing times and it’s awesome to be able to put more focus into the things that really matter to us.

    .-= Michaelé Harrington´s last blog ..Are MLM Replicated Websites Effective At Growing Your Business? =-.

  28. Kellie Hosaka Says:

    Yes, Michaele, I’m like you. I used to be more left brained and realized it was more fun on the right brain side…and more freeing. Good job on delegating more. Your right brain is so valuable. Aloha 🙂

  29. Sandy & Al Abrams Says:

    “It’s Not About You” How important that is Kellie! When we stop our dollar and cents thinking and focus on people and feelings and giving, we and they prosper. I’m going to Google Daniel Pink and find out where I can watch him. Sounds wonderful.

    Thanks for a really important post.

    .-= Sandy & Al Abrams´s last blog ..THE CASE OF THE MISSING RISK FACTORS =-.

  30. Kellie Hosaka Says:

    Great Sandy! Thank you so much for your kind comments. Aloha 🙂

  31. Kara Grabenhorst Says:

    Hi Kellie, such an amazing article and video! Can definitely see this shift happening all around. I can relate to you having come from being more “left-brain” in the past as the same is true for me as well. Not only is it much more fun to be “right-brain” but more satisfying as well. There is great wisdom in Daniel’s three secrets ….There is no plan, persistence always trumps talent, and it’s not about you. Happy to be on the “right-brain” future train. Thanks for sharing!
    .-= Kara Grabenhorst´s last blog ..Don’t like it? Change it NOW =-.

  32. Kellie Hosaka Says:

    So nice to see you on our blog Kara! Your smile always brightens my day. I am so happy you liked Daniel’s insights. It’s really cool to see all these shifts happening today.
    Thank you for commenting my friend!
    Kellie 🙂

  33. Mary Lou Kayser Says:

    Hi Kellie, As a heavily right-brained person, I am so glad to see that more and more Big Thinkers are pointing out that creativity, emotional intelligence, and intuition are more valued today than at any other time in recent history. Seth Godin is leading the charge, and if you haven’t read his latest book yet called Linchpin, you definitely need to add that to your reading list! This is the time to celebrate Creativity and Compassion, and to give of ourselves in so many ways. Thanks for sharing the video of Daniel Pink…I had heard of him before but until now, had never seen him.
    Terrific post! Hooray for Art and Artists! 🙂
    Mary Lou
    .-= Mary Lou Kayser´s last blog ..A Quick Little Spring Break Post about Passion =-.

  34. Kellie Hosaka Says:

    Aloha Mary Lou,
    Great to see you again! Yes, it’s such an exciting time for right-brainers isn’t it? And yes, in fact, I just did a post on Linchpin before this one. It’s incredible! Thank you again for visiting and sharing your valuable insight.
    Kellie 🙂

  35. Beth Allen Says:

    Phew, good thing I’m left-handed (in my right mind!)! 😉 Really great tips here….

    1. Make your decisions for fundamental reasons which will lead to intrinsic motivation. ~ follow your passion and core values and you will never tire! 🙂

    2. Persistence always trumps Talent ~ keep learning and you will forever be increasing your “talent”, but more than anything, just keep the pedal down and you will get there!

    3. “It’s Not About You” ~ the more we focus out the more that fills us up!

    Such a great post, you are always so inspiring, Kellie!
    .-= Beth Allen´s last blog ..Big Love to the Food Revolution! =-.

  36. Kellie Hosaka Says:

    You always add such value to our blog post Beth and such a “shinning” light! Thank for you kind comments! It brings a big smile to my face reading your words Beth!
    Your comments are very, very much appreciated!
    Much aloha,
    Kellie :0)

  37. Debra Agoo Says:

    Insightful post, Kellie! I had a few AHA moments reading this. I’m sure I was born right brained. But as far back as I can remember, my left brain has dominated and I’ve struggled many times with wanting to follow my heart, rather than my head. My passion for writing came early on but I realize now that the way I was raised, the church, my parents (bless them, they only knew what they knew) and even the educational system had a part in suppressing my right brain. I’ve been conditioned to just DO. Don’t feel. Emotion was a sign of weakness.
    Even the choice of medium for my writing had a big influence. Just the facts, ma’am. Just the facts. My opinion didn’t matter. I wrote mostly “hard news” during my news writing career so when given the opportunity to write a “soft news/entertainment” piece, I bombed because it was not what I was conditioned to do. It’s no wonder that I resist responding in these blog forums???
    I think my shift toward right brain came when I first held my firstborn in my arms and it was like my heart was laid bare to the world for all to see. Having my right brain daughter Joie certainly has helped.  Thanks to you and others, I’m “feeling” more instead of “thinking.” Watching you make that shift has given me and others permission to do the same. Thank you for letting your light shine!

  38. Kellie Hosaka Says:

    Great to see you again Debra! Now if we can only see your beautiful picture here?…LOL… I am so glad you are opening up to this new world. This can be the medium for you to be free. You are so skilled as a reporter and now you can write about whatever you love. :)))

    Hope to see you here often. Take care. 🙂
    .-= Kellie Hosaka´s last blog ..What Is “Spiritual Awakening” & How Does It Relate To My Business? – pt. 2 =-.

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