7 Steps To Success!

Goals-John-Assaraf-150x150 When I was young, my mother used to say “when you get older, the years go by faster”.  I must say she was right! 🙂  Or at least it seems to go faster. Well, it’s January, and the holidays are now officially over.  It’s the time of year when most people reflect on the last year and start making new year’s resolutions.  What are your resolutions for the new year?  Most people want to lose weight, make more money, change their career, get healthy or fit, or improve their relationships.  If you want this year to be better than last year, then as my friend and mentor Jim Rohn used to say “For Things To Change, I Have To Change.  For Things To Get Better, I Have To Get Better“.

I’ve learned to turn to very successful mentors and coaches to guide me through the steps on how to get better each day, each week, each month, and each year.  One of those coaches has been John Assaraf, who was in the movie called “The Secret“.  John has detailed “7 Steps To Your Best Year Ever” and I’d like to share them with you.  One tip I’d like to offer you is that you do everything he says to do in these videos.  Watching these videos will give you the knowledge, applying these steps will give you the wisdom.

Here are the 7 Steps To Making ThisYour Best Year Ever:

1)  Start with very specific goals of exactly what you want in each area of your life (health, spiritual, relationships, career, etc.)

2)  You must believe that you can achieve your goals deep down in your core. (use affirmations, visualization, meditation)

3)  Develop habits to achieve your goals

4)  You must acquire new skills and new knowledge that match up with your new goals

5)  Develop a plan.  What are you doing today?

6)  Take daily action towards your goals

7)  Review your results and correct your course of action everyday.

Isn’t John Assaraf incredible?  We hope this assisted you today.  May we ask you to click the “f share” button at the top of the article to share on Facebook or “retweet” this on Twitter?  We would love to know how you felt about the article and exchange ideas with you in the comments area.

Also, if you’d like to learn tips and secrets I’ve used in the past 15 years, sign up for our video series below.

Sending you all a lot of “Aloha” (love) & “Mahalo” (thank you) for being a part of our “Ohana” (family)!


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4 Comments For This Post

  1. Denise Gray Says:

    Hi Kellie,

    I’ve just watched the 3 videos from John Assaraf … brilliant & inspiring! and just reminded me of how great his book is (Having it All – Achieving your Life’s Goals and Dreams). I had not set out to buy the book and just picked it up whilst browsing, and was even undecided about buying it… can you believe that? … well talk about not ‘judging a book by its cover’ when I started to read it, I could not put it down. I was so surprised and amazed at the content 😯 , I kept enthusing about it to everyone around (despite the bemused looks from some people haha!) ‘the laws of the universe’, ‘quantum physics’ as I kept reading I was absolutely enthralled by it, so much new and fascinating information, yet also a lot which resonated with my own beliefs. Just needed to share these thoughts and my enthusiasm with you and to say thanks for sharing, I will retweet, and going to read the book again… Thanks again

    Denise 😆

  2. Kellie Hosaka Says:

    Yes, I agree Denise I love John Assaraf! He appeals to both my logical mind and my spiritual mind. I have seen many of his DVDs and been on many conference calls and I was even enrolled in his course!! Mahalo for sharing my friend! 🙂

  3. GigiNJones Says:

    Hi Kellie,

    An incredible piece demonstrating the value of obtaining a mentor or coach who will serve as a guide and teacher of success principles and practices. The lesson here is in the necessity in deciding what you want and the development of a plan. Success does not happen by chance. People can definitely dream “what if I had this lifestyle? and fill in the blank”, but if they do not create a plan and take daily actions to get there it will remain only a dream. Thanks so much for sharing this information.

    Greatly appreciated,

  4. Kellie Says:

    Hey Gigi, I am so glad you are enjoying our blog! Yes, I have learned so much from so many mentors and coaches in my life. It’s the real secret 🙂

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