Have you been hearing these words lately? “Awaken”, “wake up”, “enlightenment”, “raising consciousness”? I remember starting to hear words like this and I thought, what does that have to do with my home based business and earning residual income? I was, however, always willing to be “coach-able” and my mentor started to introduce me to these concepts, one at a time. I must admit, I was resistant because my “left brain” or logical mind could not see how this would relate to my business.
Quantum Physics & Personal Growth
I started to study quantum physics because it was a science which my logical mind accepted as truth. I studied personal development because I knew that I had to improve my attitude to be positive. So after a while, I had many pieces of the puzzle however, the pieces were all over the place and I didn’t understand how to fit them all together. Fortunately, I kept on studying and taking action on my home based network marketing business, and things started to happen. I just trusted what my mentors told me to do and what to study, and the results started to appear! 😀 I was thrilled, however, my puzzle pieces were still all over the place and I didn’t have a clear picture of where I was going. I was still clueless! 🙄 What I found out later was that I was on “my journey” towards “awakening” to my life’s purpose!
So what I am going to do is take you through “What Is Spiritual Awakening & How Does It Relate To Your Business?” in 4 parts.
1) Part 1 – Introduction and Why The Time is Now to Awaken,
2) Part 2 – Evolutionary Enlightenment and Your Participation in Consciousness,
3) Part 3 – Quantum Physics and Your “Illusional” Reality,
4) Part 4 – The Secret Behind “The Secret” or The Law of Attraction.
The Time Is Now
Many personal development coaches like Anthony Robbins, Bob Proctor, Jack Canfield, John DeMartini, Marci Shimoff, and Michael Bernard Beckwith got together in a movie called “The Time Is Now”, to show us all that there is a new day for humanity on the rise. They go on to say that it is time for all of us to “wake up” to the infinite potentiality which is in each of us, and that we all have this infinite power.
“The world we are living in is full of abundance” exclaims Bob Proctor. Everyone is cooperating and there is really no competition. We are truly creating a world far beyond our imagination. And all of us do see this happening with social media and social networking. It is very fascinating, as I astonish myself by writing this series of articles, as I do my best to explain how the pieces of my puzzle came together and still are. 😯
A True Leader With Authenticity
They go on to express that each one of us will become a true leader, a leader filled with authenticity, a leader who follows their soul. We are all leaders in the 21st century. Each one of us leading our own tribe and fulfilling our “calling” in life. As we face our challenges and truly become the person we were meant to Be, we lead a life which is full of character and integrity. When we truly experience our own journeys, we become the role models and inspiration to others who may be experiencing challenges we once faced.
That’s why the time is now for you to make changes in your life. If not now, when? If not you, who? We are all leaders in this new day.
Please view a trailer from the movie “The Time Is Now”:
We hope you gained some insight from this article. We look forward to seeing you again as we continue this series of “What Is Spiritual Awakening & How Does It Relate To Your Business? – pt. 2″. May we ask you to share by clicking the “f share” button at the top of the article, or “retweet” this post on Twitter? And we would love to have you comment at the end of the article. It inspires me and it lets me know if you enjoyed the topic. 😀
Also, if you’d like to learn tips and secrets I’ve used over the past 15 years, sign up for our video series below.
May 3rd, 2010 at 1:06 pm
Aloha Kellie:
This is an exciting post! I’m thankful you will show and direct step by step. You have always been an “instrumental” piece in my awakening. Being my leader over the years, the more you have expanded yourself and taken deep steps within to your own growth, you expressed the liberation and freedom for me too! Like Marianne Williamson said “When you let your own light shine, you give permission for others to do the same.” This is a gem…Thank you for sharing such a “valuable” piece of yourself.
Love you much!
Shannon 🙂
.-= Shannon Tecson´s last blog ..The Millionaires Journey: We Become What We Think About =-.
May 4th, 2010 at 4:47 am
Mahalo for your beautiful comments Shannon! I believe you will enjoy this series of posts. And yes, we have all expanded so much this past year and we are ready to share and let our light shine! Aloha 🙂
May 3rd, 2010 at 10:04 pm
You are so amazing Kellie. I just love your articles. Helps me to expand my thinking and engage in self-introspection. I love it, I feel myself expanding and stretching beyond my comfort zone. I believe I am going through this awakening process.
Thank you for your incredible contributions to my personal growth. Much love, Gigi <3
May 4th, 2010 at 4:50 am
Mahalo Gigi for you kind comments! I am so happy you are expanding your thinking, now expand yourself and just breathe…you’ll know. Be Happy and have grateful thoughts. Aloha 🙂
May 3rd, 2010 at 11:42 pm
Hi Kellie, This is a really great post full of so much useful information. Going through the spiritual awakening process is quite a journey and I appreciate you sharing your insights.
.-= Kara Grabenhorst´s last blog ..MUST See Tips For Blog Security =-.
May 4th, 2010 at 4:52 am
Aloha Kara,
I am so happy you found the article useful. It has been a challenging one to put together. Please let me know how you feel as we continue on the Part 2,3,& 4.
Much aloha,
Kellie 🙂
May 4th, 2010 at 5:28 am
Great job Kellie. You are right in there with wonderful content and purpose. I appreciate you.
.-= Nelson Schroeder´s last blog ..Critical Mass: Episode 8. =-.
May 4th, 2010 at 8:35 pm
Mahalo (thank you) Nelson! I appreciate your comments and your visits. :0)
May 4th, 2010 at 10:31 am
This is fascinating, Kellie. Thank you. Can’t wait for the rest of the series.
I have been reading “The Celestine Prophecies” again for the third time and it so fits together.
We are all evolving into the revelation of our own perfection which means that the world is evolving into that same revelation!.
.-= Sandy & Al Abrams´s last blog ..From The Other Side Of The Nipple: Another Psychic Communication For Mom =-.
May 4th, 2010 at 8:36 pm
Mahalo (thank you) Sandy! I am excited to write this series too. It’s like Celestine Prophecy, my own awakening keeps on unfolding as I share more and more with all of you.
Thank you for your continued support and aloha! You are a very special woman.
Kellie 🙂
May 4th, 2010 at 10:40 am
Kellie – I breath a sigh of relief every time I open your articles and read them! Then all the way through I inhale your wonderful inspiration. You remind me with this that I am in exactly the right place at the right time with the right teacher – perfect alignment. In the short moments I loose my way a little – I just need to remember that you are right there all the time if I just tilt my head and glance the other way! 😉
Thank you so much for everything. x
May 4th, 2010 at 8:41 pm
Aloha Annette,
You are so sweet…you are a part of my journey and of my expansion. As you and I both know, we came together for a Huge purpose. We are both in the right place at the right time and the Universe is aligned with us.
Believe me, you and David assist me just as much as you believe I assist you. It’s all a reflection isn’t it.
Much love & gratitude,
Kellie 🙂
May 4th, 2010 at 10:43 am
What a wonderful subject to discuss! I was amazed when I first read about quantum physics being related to Spiritualism. After reading more, I soon saw the correlation between the two.
Funny you should mention putting the puzzle pieces together cause that’s how I look at things. Holding an incomplete picture until I discover all the pieces that fit and complete the idea or thought.
Cool! Thanks so much for sharing this,
.-= Val Wilcox´s last blog ..A Journey into Self- Discovery =-.
May 4th, 2010 at 8:43 pm
Aloha Val,
I just love seeing your smiling face here. Thank you for visiting and always spreading your joy all around.
I felt the same way as you. I used to be so closed minded until I learned quantum physics and then, the doors all opened up!
Kellie 🙂
May 4th, 2010 at 11:09 am
Hey Kellie,
I am excited about this series. I just started studying quantum physics. I look forward to your insights. I lover personal development as you already know. SO keep up the good work… you have my attention on this one.
.-= Scott Scales´s last blog ..Are We There Yet? =-.
May 4th, 2010 at 8:45 pm
Aloha Scott,
I am so thrilled to have your attention! I look forward to the rest of the series also, as it unfolds in my own journey. I will be looking to see how you feel about the future posts.
Thank you,
Kellie 🙂
May 4th, 2010 at 11:57 am
Kellie, I loved Part 1 and I am already looking forward to Parts 2,3, and 4! Thank you for posts like this. It gives us all courage to go forth on our path with confidence. You are an amazing mentor and I am grateful everyday for you!
May 4th, 2010 at 8:53 pm
Aloha Lisa,
I am so happy you are enjoying our articles and your comments really inspire me to create more!
Thank you for your kind comments which bring joy to my heart. I would like to tell you though…as you recognize and truly are grateful to a mentor in your life, it really is a reflection of those qualities you are now recognizing in yourself. As you keep taking those courageous steps, you will develop those skills and qualities you so admire and you will BEcome. Every great teacher was and is, a great student.
Much love & gratitude,
Kellie 🙂
May 4th, 2010 at 2:42 pm
Dear Kellie,
I always enjoy your posts. Spiritual awakening is essential to any success. In truth, we are spiritual beings in a physical body equipped with a mind and it is absolutely essential to spiritually awaken to manifest success.
Thank you for inspiring all to awaken,
Venus 🙂
.-= Venus :)´s last blog ..The Law Of Laws (part 5) =-.
May 4th, 2010 at 8:54 pm
My dear Venus,
I know you are very aware of all that will be said in this series. I really appreciate your comments and your support.
Thank you for your efforts also.
Kellie 🙂
May 4th, 2010 at 5:52 pm
Appreciate the post, you always have an interesting take on your subject matter. I enjoy reading them! Thank you for sharing!
May 4th, 2010 at 8:55 pm
Aloha Bill,
Thank you for your comments and for your visit today. Aloha 🙂
May 4th, 2010 at 6:41 pm
You always write from the heart – very powerful and clear. Love this and really looking forward to the whole series. You might be interested in Awakening the Movie. There is a banner on my blog, take a peek.
.-= Jodi Lee´s last blog ..Quit yer complainin’ =-.
May 5th, 2010 at 10:52 pm
Thank you Jodi! Your comments mean a lot to me. I look forward to your feedback on the series. I will check out the Awakening, sounds great!
Aloha 🙂
May 5th, 2010 at 4:08 pm
What an amazing perception you have on the power of you. I am fascinated about the dynamics of human interaction and spirituality. I am finding more and more people who share the same ideas and I realize that I’m attracting them to me because of what I’m doing, thinking and talking about. I can’t wait to see this series unfold.
Ken Pickard
The Network Dad
.-= Ken Pickard´s last blog ..5 Facebook Fan Pages for Powerful Syndication =-.
May 5th, 2010 at 10:54 pm
Mahalo (thank you) Ken and so nice to see you on our blog! It is a fascinating time and very exciting as the world comes together as one. I look forward to seeing you for the rest of the series.
Aloha 🙂
May 5th, 2010 at 6:09 pm
This is such powerful information and how you have written this is so easy to understand and acknowledge the strength connection!
Thank you so much for sharing, can’t wait for more! You inspire me!
May 5th, 2010 at 10:57 pm
Thank you Lyn-Dee and it’s so nice to see you here on our blog! I really appreciate your comments as one of my objectives is to communicate in a way where it is easy to understand. It can be a very complicated topic, however, I want to educate and communicate in a way anyone will be able to see their part in the “awakening”.
Looking forward to seeing you again! Aloha 🙂
May 6th, 2010 at 5:33 pm
Hi Kellie,
thanks you so much for this powerful post,
you always write with feelings,
and make it so easy for us to understand
.-= jean´s last blog ..‘Building Links with Facebook’ =-.
May 7th, 2010 at 2:32 am
Awe, thank you Jean! You are so kind. 🙂 I am so happy that you said it’s easy to understand because that is exactly my intention. So, much mahalo (thank you) to you Jean! You are the best! Aloha 🙂
May 11th, 2010 at 1:05 am
Awesome post Kellie! The puzzle is definitely fitting and here are some of the highlights I got from the video. Abundance and working together to create..Bob Proctor. Listening to the inner voice..John DeMartini. Connecting w/other people..Marci. Living what you speak..this is BIG. Let’s allow the leaders in all of us to come out!! Thank you so much for sharing.
May 11th, 2010 at 2:48 am
Great Cheryl! Thank you so much! You really got it. Now for part 2…LOL…
You’re already living it. Thank you. 🙂
May 25th, 2010 at 9:20 am
Such a great series, and thank you. I know how much time and organization it takes to post a series like this and you are awesome!
.-= Wendy MacKay´s last blog ..Organize Your Time =-.
May 25th, 2010 at 11:00 pm
Aloha Wendy,
So wonderful to see you here on our blog. I am so glad you enjoyed the article. I look forward to your comments as you go through the whole series. Aloha 🙂
May 26th, 2010 at 6:42 pm
I loved it Kellie, very inspiring and very true. Made me realize what potential I have in myself. Mahalo for this wonderful blog 😀
May 27th, 2010 at 3:27 am
Glad you loved it Tinei! Yes, you are infinite potentiality. Aloha 🙂
September 14th, 2010 at 4:40 am
Hey Kellie: Wonderful, you are a true proponent of Buddhism! Appreciate your leadership and thank you for your posts of enlightenment.
September 15th, 2010 at 1:47 am
Aloha Arlan,
I am so happy you are finding value on our posts. Thank you for your kind words. It makes me happy. Aloha 🙂
Kellie Hosaka�´s last blog post ..Is Social Media Marketing- Internet Marketing and Network Marketing Confusing
February 6th, 2011 at 1:47 am
There is so much wisdom in your articles, Kellie! The puzzle pieces are finally getting together. Mahalo for sharing =)
February 6th, 2011 at 2:44 am
Aloha Romana,
I am so happy to see you on our blog! Thank you for your kind comments. I am so glad your puzzle pieces are coming together! Go through the other steps one at a time and you’ll see the whole picture at the end. I’d love to hear how you feel at each step and how it looks at the end. Much love & gratitude 🙂
Kellie HosakaÃ�´s last blog post ..2011 Will Be Your Best Year Ever – Steps To Ensure Success
June 16th, 2011 at 7:34 am
I love how this phase of spiritual awakening is merging with how we do business. It’s so inspiring and comforting. I’m so glad you wrote about this!
Sherrie
Sherrie KoretkeÃ�´s last blog post ..Why You Don’t Have Your Dream Business Yet
June 16th, 2011 at 12:26 pm
Aloha Sherrie!
I love it too. There is a huge awakening happening right now and it so wonderful to see more and more business people resonate with it. Thank you for your comments. So nice to meet you! Aloha 🙂
Kellie HosakaÃ�´s last blog post ..“We Get Paid For Bringing Value To The Marketplace” – Jim Rohn
September 5th, 2012 at 5:40 am
” We are truly creating a world far beyond our imagination.” The other day I was reading somewhere that those who believe in “sky is the limit” have no imagination. How true!